Reviews from Ismail Ibric --------------------------------------------------------------------------- These reviews were written by Ismail Ibric. Any comments concerning them should be send to --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAMMIT ( by GTE Vantage Incorporated ) Runs on IBM and Compatibles. ( Needs CD drive and DOS 5.x and up ) An awesome Slam Dunking Competition ... When you get the game, a game pad is also included. Just like the joystick but the ease of a SNES game pad. You controll the players with ease. The game has the option of how much street talk you want to heat when playing. ( For example: Mama gona knock you out, or: In your face, and etc... ) It's more like NBA JAM without the goodise like the close up when SLAM DUNKIN' on the other player. When I first saw this game, I thought it would be like all the rest of the basketball games out there. But it's much more than that. I give this game five stars. UNDER A KILLING MOON ( by Access Software Incorporated ) Runs on IBM and Compatibles. ( Needs CD drive and DOS 5.x and up ) Private I.. Detective, out to find out who stole his news paper of the front porch ... Well it's more than that. The fait of the universe lies in his hands and hes having trouble putting on his tie. This is a great game for those hounds of the world. Cleaver clues, great interface, and a cast from the great beyond. Who could ask for anything more, Exept RAM... The graphics are fair if you only have 4 Megs, and the more memory you got, well you know the rest of the sentence... the beeter it is. You move arround in a 3D world and go from one place to another with the Nice Looking set of wheels... The CD swithching between the scenes annoys me a little, other than that... I give this game four stars. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Ismail Ibric Page Back to the GamePage