Your thoughts: Man this STINKS! here I was volunteering my services to Lord Bluecoat for what was supposed to be a little bit of mining and a whole lot of R & R, when all of a sudden, the Necromancer Gul'dan shows up, and the next thing you know I'm stuck in this Hellhole! (you think in run-on sentences, but hey you're a peasant) And those sissy knights that were supposed to protect us just ran off. That's the last "Yes me Lord" they get outta me. No matter, I'm sure they didn't get far. I saw some of those undead bubbas chasing them down for supper. I can't believe we're being kept alive to breed food for them undeads. I can't even tell the women from the men in here. Can't they see how disgusting that would be.... no, I guess they can't, being undead and all. I'd rather face old Gul'dan himself than to snuggle up to one of these nasty wenches. In fact, if I hadn't been clubbed from behind, I would have handed out a serios butt-whooping back there, and I wouldn't be stuck in here now. In fact, if I ever get out I believe I'll... No use fretting about it, there ain't no gettin' out. These walls are impregnable and what with them dragons constantly over head, escape is not in the cards. Might as well try to be nice to the women, I'd hate to get the ugliest - Hey! what's this? An old mine shaft!! Wonder if there's any... Hey there's GOLD IN HERE. Bet they didn't know that when they locked us in. You know, if we mined this and built...Naw, those dragons would take us apart before we ever got started. But, the alternative being Helga, it's worth a shot. If I ever get out of this, I'm gonna dance a jig on Gul'dan's face just for having an apostrophe in the middle of his effin name. "Hey, guys, come here, I have a plan........" Good Luck, you'll need it!