BFC v2.21 User Guide Christopher Labanosky, 1996 CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Program Information 1. What is BFC? 2. What are BFC's features? 3. Why do I need BFC? 4. What do I get if I order it? 5. How Do I order it? II. Using BFC 1. Installing BFC. 2. Operating instructions. 3. Examples and Tips. 4. Registering BFC. III. Included Files 1. Description of included files. IV. Comments 1. How to send comments and suggestions. V. Disclaimer VI. The Shareware Concept ============================================================================= I. Program Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is BFC? BFC of Buttons For Chris was first made for one of my brothers friends because he didn't know how to use DOS. I called it BFC because my brothers friend is named Chris and it so happend that my name is Chris also. BFC allows you to assign programs to buttons with meaningful names. Although many people use Windows today this program is still very useful since many programs will not run under windows. What are BFC's features? ------------------------ * A Graphical Interface * Very LOW system requirements * Mouse Support * 20 assignable buttons (Unregisterd version) * 600 assignable buttons (Registered version) * Buttons broken into pages * A label for each page * Parameter passing to programs * Low registration cost ($10) Why do I need BFC? ------------------ Although most programs run under windows some need a lot speed in which windows does not always provide. BFC takes the hassle out of DOS by using a simple inteface which uses buttons that you assign a name, the program to run, and any parameters that you might want to pass to the program. No more typing in the commands at the dos prompt, BFC does it all for you. Just point and click. What do I get if I order it? ---------------------------- BFC's interface is broken into pages. The unregisterd version has only one page with a total of 20 buttons. The registered version has 30 pages with a total of 600 buttons. You can use the unregisterd version for as long as you like but you will eventually run out of buttons. $10 seemed to be fairly cheap and reasonable price for this program. I use it on a day to day basis and enjoy it very much. When you register BFC you will get to use all of the buttons but in addition you will be able to put a label on the top of every page so you can break the buttons up into categories. In addition, If or when I release and updated BFC program you will still be able to use the password on the updated program and be able to use all of its features. How Do I order it? ------------------ Send a check or money order for $10.00, your name, mailing address or E-Mail address to: Christopher Labanosky 3548 Stevens Way Martinez, GA 30907 Please make out the check or money order to Christopher Labanosky ***Please Read*** When I recieve the money I will mail you the password to activate the rest of the buttons. If you want to get the password by mail please enclose a stamped self addressed envelope. I recommend you enclose your return E-Mail Adress since it is the fastest way to recieve your password and if you send your E-Mail address you will not have to enclose a stamped envelope. ============================================================================= II. Using BFC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing BFC. -------------- Before you install BFC there are a few things about the program you must know. You must move all the included files to a directory that you want BFC to be in. Then you must run the file BFC20.EXE and follow the directions. After you finish you MUST run the batch file called BFC.BAT for the program to run. Here are the instruction on how to install the program. 1. You will be asked if you want to continue, type "y". 2. After install is done put the directory that was specified in your path statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you want BFC to run when you computer starts up type "BFC" at the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. NOTE: If you use Windows 95, type "BFC" at the end of your DOSSTART.BAT file for BFC to run when you exit Windows 95. 3. At the DOS prompt, type BFC to run the program or restart your computer then type BFC. Operating instructions. ---------------------- When you start BFC you will notice a lot of buttons on the screen. Three buttons on the top, a label button, twenty buttons in the middle, and three buttons on the bottom. The three top buttons consist of an "About", "Edit a Button", and "Delete a Button" buttons. The twenty middle buttons are the program buttons that you assign names to. The three bottom buttons consist of "Page Down", "Exit To Dos", and "Page Up". The functions of these buttons are: "About": Displays a brief history of the program. ----- "Edit a Button": Brings up the Edit window. ------------- "Delete a Button": Brings up the delete window. --------------- The label button: This is the long narrow button near the top of ---------------- the screen. It brings up the Change Heading window. The 15 middle buttons: When pressed these buttons run the program --------------------- that you assigned to it. "Page Down": Goes to the previous button page (Registered Only). --------- "Exit to Dos": Leaves BFC and goes to dos. ----------- "Page Up": Goes to the next button page (Registered Only). ------- Also, on the bottom there is the page number and a clock that is updated every minute for your convenience. Examples and Tips. ----------------- Editing your first button: -------------------------- Step 1: Start up BFC. Step 2: Click on the "Edit a Button" button. Step 3: Click "Ok" on the window that appears. Step 4: Click on on of the 15 middle buttons. Step 5: A Edit window will appear. Click somewhere near the button name box. Type the name you want to appear the button you chose to edit. Step 6: Think of a program you want to assign to the button. Step 7: Navagate the directory box by clicking first on the drive where your program is listed and then the directory which is in. Press the "+" and "-" buttons to scroll through the directories. Step 8: Find the file name of the program you want in the Files box and click on it. Press the "+" and "-" buttons to scroll through the files. Step 9: When you are finished and the name of the file you want and its directory are in the bottom two boxes marked Program Name and Directory Name click on "Ok". Step 10: When the name appears on the button you edited click on it to run the button; Deleting A Button ----------------- Step 1: Click on the "Delete a Button" button. Step 2: Click "Ok" on the window that appears. Step 3: Click on the button you wish to delete. Step 4. If you what to delete that button click on "Ok" on the window that appears. Changing The Heading For a Button Page -------------------------------------- Step 1: Click on the long narrow button near the top 3 buttons. Step 2: When a window appears type the name you wish to appear on the long narrow button. This is the label for the button page. When you are satisfied click "Ok". Tips ---- Tip #1: You can pass parameters to programs using the Command Line box in the edit window. Ex. If you edit a text document frequently you can set up a button for the editor program and specify the file you wish to load in the command line box in the edit window. Tip #2: Set up a button to return to windows by setting a button to run WIN.COM Tip #3: Use the Label Button to categorize your buttons. Tip #4: When editing a button don't forget to give it a name. Tip #5: Don't forget to register BFC, It's only $10 :) Registering BFC. --------------- Run the REGBFC.EXE file and type in the password you were given when you ordered BFC. After typing the correct password you will not need to run the program again. The next time you run BFC you will notice the word "UNREGISTERED" is gone from the top of the screen and you can use the Page-Up and Page-Down buttons at the bottom of the screen. ============================================================================= III. Included Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of included files. BFC20.EXE The BFC program and install program. REGBFC.EXE The registration program to activate all buttons. LITT.CHR The font file for the BFC program. EGAVGA.BGI The video driver for the BFC program. README.TXT The thing you are reading now. ============================================================================= IV. Comments\Suggestions\Bugs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to send comments and suggestions or bug reports. --------------------------------------------------- I would really appreciate your comments and suggestions on the the program and if you discover any bugs please report them since it will help me fix the problem(even though I have found no bugs). You can get me by mail at: Christopher Labanosky 3548 Stevens Way Martinez, GA 30907 Or by E-Mail at: ============================================================================= V. Disclaimer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is released "as is" with no warranty either expressed or implied. The author of this program is not responsible for "any" damage caused by the use of this program. ============================================================================= VI. The Shareware Concept ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please understand the shareware concept. Authors release programs as shareware to let you "try before you buy" so you can make a decision on buying the program or not. Most shareware programs have a cheap registration price of $20 or below and are just as good as any retail program on the market. Some of you might say "I'm not giving my money to that guy in Martinez Georgia, he might rip me off". Let me just say this, shareware authors are NOT out to rip you off. They spend thier spare time making programs to give to people and riping people off is not even on thier agenda, most of them just want the recognition if a program does well. =============================================================================