- version 0.00, sometime in autumn, 1995 I made a simple qbasic routine that would insert taglines. I did it as an afternoon project on a rainy day. *G* - version 0.00à, sometime in autumn, 1995 I told a friend of mine about cromtag, (which was simply called tagline.bas at that time) and he asked if he could use it. So I actually tried to make the routine look better before I sent it to him. - version 0.01, sometime in autumn, 1995 I re-wrote it into a shareware compiler format, but it was kinda slow. - version 0.17, sometime in January, 1996 In early January, I had some spare time, and sometime between version 0.01 and 0.17, I added the tagline stealer, the config utility, the custom origin line utility, and the mood kludge utility. I used a faster compiler, too. - version 0.40, May, 1996 Man, it's been so long since I looked inside these utils, that I just about got lost... *G* I went straight from .17 to .40 just because I felt like it. Anyway, the reason I re-did some of it, was because I noticed that sometimes the text would not format right after saving the post, and I knew that there were cr/lf pairs being inserted, and I fixed that, as far as I could. timEd, when doing a spellcheck drop, will not insert cr's in the temp file, and if you use cromtag or cromline with the spellcheck option, the formatting will be perfect. If you use one of the pgp drops, though, timEd will insert cr's at the end of each screen line, and there's nothing that I can do about that one. The post will still look just fine, but with physical cr's in the text. - version 0.43, May, 1996 Made it so you can now define a search string, rather than go through your whole tagline file. Just an option. - version 0.45, May, 1996 I made the random stuff a little better, with search strings, and also you can now specify alternate tagline and origin line files. - version 1.00, May, 1996 I added a small front end menu to both cromline and cromtag. Also, you specify from the menu now whether or not to use random taglines, so you have to rerun cromcfg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June, 1996 - I made the crom stuff for os/2, out of rexx - version 0.03, June 9th thru 12th, 1996 I made the crom utilities in rexx for os/2. This is my first try at rexx, so it's crude, but fully functional so far.