v1.0 Internal release: No Sound, No Netware Support v2.0 Internal release: Netware Support added v3.0 First public release: MMPM/2 support added v3.01 An executable was added that does not use MMPM/2, if MMPM/2 was not installed the original executable would not start. v3.02 The window now resizes itself depending on the lenght of the login name The window floats to the top differently. v3.10 Add the ability to change the font. The window now resizes itself vertically depending on the font used. v3.11 Fixed a bug in getting the mail directory. If the user Id was not 8 chars long it would not get it correctly (I.E. leading zeros). Added the ability to specify the autoexec.bat for the reader to use v4.0 Changed window structure Added time display Allows login/logout Automatically loads MMPM code if available. Allows float options Two window positions (top or bottom)