Easy Measurement and Temperature Converter Version 1.2 Copyright 1996 Made using Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 Standard Author--Cameron DeJong Rt. 1 Box 347-A Pinetown, NC 27865 Web Site-- http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2932/shareware.html WOW! I have finally updated the software!!! First, those of you who registered Version 1.1 or 1.01 should feel NO guilt in not registering this!!! Thanks to those few that did register. If registration doesn't pick up, I will add some cripples to my software, which I hate to do!!! THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING!!! Math Co-Processor (INTEL RECOMMENDED) 386 or higher running WINDOWS 95 vb40032.dll mfc40.dll BOTH DLLS in your windows\system directory!!! WHAT'S NEW 1.1 > 1.2 ***NEW ENERGY AND SPEED CONVERSIONS!!! ***MORE CONVERSIONS ADDED UNDER LENGTH AND VOLUME!!! ***REGISTRATION FORM THAT CAN BE PRINTED FROM THE PROGRAM :) ***SMALL HELP FILE I DECIDED TO MAKE AT THE LAST MINUTE! ***MULTIPLE SCREENS THAT WILL HELP AVOID CONFUSION AND CLUTTER! If you find any bugs, not cockroaches or ants please.. please send me a quick snail mail message. I am working on obtaining an e-mail address from FREEMARK so keep checking the above website for details and upgrades to this version. The next version is 2.0 which will hopefully be a MAJOR upgrade!!! If you are lost and have NO idea what you are doing, you may call me (Realize, I am 16 years old :-) 7 days a week from 1 PM - 9 PM EST I may NOT be home all the time as most teens are not!!! This program is made for those of you who don't liked crippled shareware and who DON'T want to wander thru a bunch of stuff just to find out one simple thing!!! ENJOY THE PROGRAM!!! REMEMBER REGISTER YOUR SHAREWARE!!