Chequebook 4.0 is ready at last! This new release of Chequebook comes to you with many useful new features. Its easier and faster than ever to keep track of your accounts. · You can now write multiple checks without having to return to the register window between each check. · You can also automate the processing of deposits or checks that occur monthly. · Transaction codes may be more easily customized, and each account may have its own set of codes if so desired. (This optional feature is ideal for the home business.) · Personal budgeting is simplified. You may attach budget amounts and time periods to your transaction codes. You can check your budget status to date at any time! · Your present ChequeBook account files will be automatically converted to run with Chequebook 4.0. . Bank Account reconciliation is as easy as ever. No need ever for any overdrafts. Chqbk40.exe is a self-archiving file. Run this file then read README.1st for installation instructions. VBRUN300.DLL is required. VBRUN300.DLL may be found on most bulletin board services. Just do a find using VBRUN as your search parameter. ChequeBook is SHAREWARE and continued use of the program beyond a reasonable evaluation period is a violation of copyright law. A reasonable evaluation period is 60 days. ChequeBook is $19.95 (U.S.) or $22.95 Cdn for each copy purchased.