NRich(tm) "NRGraphX" version1.1a NRGraphX ©1995 & 1996 David J. Toms All rights reserved. NRGraphX © is an NRich(tm) shareware product. This software is shareware, not freeware. It is not public domain. Don't forget to read the licence. A copy is included in NRGraphX © itself as well as a separate copy. If you aren't successful in installing this program with the setup program included, if you encounter any bugs or other unforseen problems with the program, please contact me with details. You can always reach me by postal mail at: David J. Toms NRGraphX P.O. Box 237 Bishop's Falls, NF Canada A0H 1C0 You can presently (at least until November 1996) reach me via email at: You can also presently visit my Internet website for the latest versions of NRich (tm) "profitshareware" (tm) products, other shareware and freeware, and links to other interesting (hopefully) fare on the net. "$$$NRich$$$ yourself and others"(tm) David J. Toms July 04, 1996