HISTORY FILE FOR CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO -------------------------------------- Version 2.80 (March 1996) ---------------------------- 1. A number of bugs fixed 2. $HIDE-OTHERS-PROGRESS (to prevent showing the entries being made into INI files and the registry). 3. New batch command: "IF ENV-VAR" - to check for the existence of an environment variable, and execute the specified command if it exists. The environment variable is returned in "ENV-VAR", which can be used in the command. Syntax = IF ENV-VAR <"variable"> e.g., IF ENV-VAR "progdir" WRITEINF $TEMPDIR\WINSTALL.INF;$TARGET=ENV-VAR 4. New batch command: "IF GETINI". This command checks whether a specified entry exists in an INI file, and, if so, executes the specified command. If the entry exists, its value is returned in GETINI, which can be used in the command. If the INI file is not found, or if no value exists for the entry (or the entry does not exist) then the command is not executed. Syntax = IF GETINI;;;; e.g., IF GETINI;ChiefPro;HomeDir;$DEST\CHIEF.INI;SAY Entry = GETINI !! 5. New SLOVENE language DLLs Version 2.60 (January 1996) --------------------------- 1. New batch command; "MAKEICON". This uses the same syntax as the "$ICO" reserved word. The command is for those occasions where you may need to create ICONS before calling a program (e.g., MS Setup for Win32s) which will itself reboot Windows. This command should be used VERY sparingly. 2. New batch command; "IF BITSPIXEL". This returns the number of bits per pixel in respect of the display. Basically, this can be translated into the number of colors supported by the current display driver. 4 = 16 colors 8 = 256 colors 16 = 64000 colors 24 = 16.7m colors e.g., IF BITSPIXEL 8 SAY You have a 256 color display! IF BITSPIXEL 24 SAY You have a True Color display! 3. New feature in SETUP.EXE - an INF file can now be passed as the first parameter to SETUP.EXE, preceded by a front slash (i.e., "/"). The file will be passed on to INSTALL.EXE as the INF file to use (instead of WINSTALL.INF). SETUP.EXE will remove the slash and append the extension ".INF" to the parameter. The file MUST be on DISK #1 - it will be copied to the TEMP directory, and then passed on to INSTALL.EXE. e.g., SETUP /LAN - SETUP.EXE will look for an INF file called "LAN" or "LAN.INF", (in that order), copy it to the TEMP directory, and then pass it to INSTALL.EXE as the INF file to use for the installation. 4. Bug in $LAN-SYSDIR fixed.