******************************* * * * Install Tools package 5.00b * * --------------------------- * * * * (c)1996 by J.BERTRAND * * L. TANNER * * * ******************************* This pack is Freeware !!! Use it without warranty. ********** * Thanks * ********** I want to thanks Herve DEQUANT a friend from my job, who give me advices about color (I am color blind) and teach now Delphi with me. I want to thanks too Larry E. TANNER who join me at Setup 3.00a and give a lot of ideas, advices and functions. So now, we making this pack together. The bigger problem we have is that Larry is American and I am French (I have little problem with English langage as you can see but Larry try to check all my spelling mistakes) and our Compuserve's E Mail are still working a lot between hour shift (8 hours if I am right). ************** * Components * ************** For all project I use : TVersionInfo component by W. Murto (CIS 73730,2505) (VerInfo.zip FREEWARE) For Setup I use : TW95Meter by J. Newlin (CIS 71535,66) (W95Meter.zip FREEWARE) TGradientFill by Adrock Software (CIS 100353,110) (AdGrad.zip SHAREWARE 10$ please register to Adrock) **************** * Introduction * **************** ********** * CREATE * ********** Version 5.00c This program help you make script file for Setup 4.50a Edit Create.txt or click on Read me Create icon to have more explanations. ********* * SETUP * ********* Version 5.00b This program install a software in a hards disk with reading a script file. Edit Setup.txt or click on Read me Setup icon to have more explanations. *********** * UNSETUP * *********** Version 5.00a This program uninstall automaticaly a program installed by Setup with reading UnSetup.ins file. Edit Unsetup.txt or click on Read me Unsetup icon to have more explanations. *************** * Improvments * *************** I waiting for your advices and ideas for a new generation. *********** * History * *********** 1.00 Original pack version including Create 2.00a Setup 1.00b Unsetup 1.00c 2.00 Full support for version 2 Create 2.00c Setup 2.00c Unsetup 2.00b 3.00 This version do not exists (no time to do it) ! 4.00 Full support for version 4 Create 4.00a Setup 4.00d Unsetup 4.00a 4.00a Adding few modifications Create 4.00b 4.50a Adding few modifications (multi groups) Create 4.50a Setup 4.50a UnSetup 4.50a 5.00a Adding packet file function Create 5.00a Setup 5.00a UnSetup 5.00a 5.00b Adding creation of floppies Create 5.00c Setup 5.00b UnSetup 5.00a I hope that the files above gives you all information you need to create another installation program or just to use it for your own program. Please note that this pack exists in a French version too ..., so do not hesitate to send me an E Mail if you want it. Jérôme BERTRAND, PARIS