Four Corner Checkers (c)1996-1997 Mace Software, Inc. Version 1.4 January 1, 1997 HISTORY 01-01-97 Version 1.4 - Improved carrier loss detection. 11-26-96 Version 1.3 - Fix really bonehead error that scored games wrong. 09-04-96 Version 1.2 !!! NOTE !!!! You must run utility 11TO12.EXE if you wish to upgrade to this version without resetting game!!!!!! - Added automatic game kill after a player forfeits to many times. NIGHTLY.EXE now needs TWO parameters, first the number of days unplayed before tuen forfeited, second is number of forfeits before game is killed. Example: NIGHTLY.EXE 3 5 This would indicate that a players turn is forfeited if not played in 3 days, and that if a player forfeits 5 turns, the game is killed. - Fixed bug in NIGHTLY.EXE where it always reverted to Player 1 in four player games when player 2 or 3 passed. 08-20-96 Version 1.1 - Corrected problem with NIGHTLY.EXE which forfeited turns too soon. 08-17-96 Version 1.0 - Initial shareware release.