L. O. R. D. Legend of the Red Dragon A role playing game created by Seth Able Robinson by Kiteria Not to long ago there was a "newbie" player lamenting in the Inn about how everybody kills him. And He was asking "why are you people always killing me?" I could not help feeling sorry for him because I have been there. As we begin our journey into the Realm of the Red Dragon we start out with a threadbare coat and a flimsy stick. This makes us so vulnerable, not only to the attacks by the forest guardians, but those of the other players as well. We will die many times in the course of the game, if we can accept that with dignity and determination, then we have won half the battle. The loss of 10% of our experience is not worth the energy we expend boiling over with rage when we sign in and find someone has killed us. When our time comes to be the attacker we will receive 50% of OUR victim's experience, so as you can see there is a purpose to this aspect of the game. Along with our miserable coat and stick we receive $500 in gold to start our adventure. Our wisest move is to take it directly to the bank and deposit it. Then head out to the forest, if we are in "high spirits" that day, we have a small advantage. We will do the "JENNIE CODE" (more on this later) and receive $1,000 gold for our level one status, then we will take this immediately to the bank. Having done that we go to the forest do two forest fights (depositing that gold) then go back to the Inn and have Seth sing for us. Word around the campfire has it, that if you do this your changes of "Magic happening somewhere" are fairly good. (Your gold in the bank has been doubled when this happens.) I have done this many times and I admit the word is good. I would also like to say that a very reliable source Joseph Master's, assures me that it is random, an no truth should be attached to it.The same applies to the other rumor that when you receive a message upon entering the forest that you are given X amount of gems you do that many forest fights, have the Bard sing and he will double your gold. JENNIE CODE The JENNIE CODES are a feature purposely put in the game of the Legend of the Red Dragon. Seth gives many clues to their existence in the BARAKS HOUSE IGM. With some good deduction on your part you can have them figured out in no time. If you are in no mood for playing detective, here is the proper procedure for using the JENNIE CODES and what you will receive for your effort. The first thing you will do is type jennie or JENNIE, it does not have to be in all caps, but if you want to do it that way it will work. As you type jennie, it will not show up on the screen, so you want to be careful and type it correctly, because you only get one chance. If you have typed jennie correctly it will ask you to describe her, here is where you make your choice of what you want to receive. BABE -- Extra Forest Fight LADY -- Gold (1000 per each level, i.e., level 6, 6000. gold) SEXY -- Extra User Fight FOXY -- Extra Gem HOTT -- Energized (More Hit Points than maximum) DUNG -- Turned into a frog. (This is funny!) UGLY -- Slapped, kicked out of game, 1 HP when you return (same day) FAIR -- Takes away your flirt option for the day COOL -- If hit points are not full, it will give you 1 charm point DUMB -- Insult STAR -- Insult NICE -- Insult COOL -- If hitpoint are NOT full you will receive 1 charm point. There are more ways to take advantage of these "perks" than what is obvious. At the lower levels you will not make a lot of gold, so it is to your advantage to do the "LADY" option and get the gold. At level 7, you start to receive more than $7,000 gold for some of the forest guardians you kill. Your best strategy is to go for one more forest fight with the "BABE" option if you have 25 or fewer fights daily. On occasion I will chose the "HOTT" option, usually if I am going to go after another player that I am on an even basis with. This option in combination with some of the IGM'S that offer more hit points can be a formidable weapon for ousting a player you wish to pass. I have yet to find a reason to request a gem, and the last thing we would every want to do is insult our creators beloved Jennie! Regardless of whether or not you are in "high spirits" to start your adventure, or Seth doubles your money with his singing, your first priority is to get better protection. When you have $900 in gold, go to the Armor Shop sell your coat for $100 gold and purchase a Heavy Coat. It's not much but for your level 1 status it will serve quite nicely. After doing some more slaying in the forest, again when you have $900 gold run to the Weapon Shop sell your stick, and purchase a Dagger. Now you are a little stronger not by much but it will serve against most of the level one guardians. Always remember your money is safer in the bank than in you hand, If you die carrying it your hard work has gone for nothing. This is one place you can take it with you when you die, but when you come back the next day your gold will not! Another good thing to keep in mind is whether or not you have someone who considers you an "easy prey". You may decide that rather than let that person have 10% of your experience, you'd rather die by your own hands. You can do this in the forest by not healing your hit points when you are down to around 10 fights. You can choose the "UGLY" jennie option at the last few fights, come back into the game go into the forest and get killed. You can select someone stronger than you and throw yourself upon their blade. If you have access to BARAKS PLACE IGM, (K)nock on the door then ask to borrow a (C)up of sugar. Hit the number 4 (this just eliminates a lot of chit-chat) then run into Barak instead of away from him. This will knock you down to 1 hit point, return to the forest and hope you die in the last 5 or so forest fights. Sometimes regardless of what you do it just will not work and the GODS have deemed that you live that day. You can fill your hit points and get a room at the inn, or just quit the game. This will put you under the killing tree and open to the next person who plays. The odds are in your favor that it will not be the one person you wish to deny your profitable death. Fortunately, this is only a necessary option the higher you climb in levels, and of course as you make enemies. On your way to being a powerful warrior, always remember to run into Turgons and (Q)uestion the master to see if you can advance a level, but for heavens sake, when you get ready to advance another level, make sure you are sufficiently equipped. If you are not handling the forest guardians at your present level then those at a level higher are really going to give you a hard time. As mentioned last month, there are two thoughts on what should be boosted with gem's first, hit points, defense, or strength. The same argument is extended to what should be replaced first, weapon or armor. [IMHO] it is better to replace armor first. With keeping the hit points close too full, the damage will not be as fatal by a strong guardian's first hit. Later into the game it is a judgment call, keeping in mind that you will never catch up in defense vs. strength till level 11 or 12 if at all. Do you have a question, comment, suggestion or complaint? Contact me at my email address: Kiteria@juno.com or Kiteria@rland.wfbbs.com. Stop by visit the web page http://web2.airmail.net/bat/kiteria. Have phun(tm) and remember...it's just a game. Suzanne Franklin Co-SysOps RabbitLand II Dallas, TX