The Buzzard It appears there's a great deal of confusion surroundingthe Buzzard in the forest... IYDK, the Buzzard arrives in the forest and snatches all your in-hand gold when you press the "B" key. This only works in the new version of LORD; if you press "B" and nothing happens, you know you're playing an earlier version of LORD. ... 1. "What does the Buzzard do with my gold, after he grabs it?" The Buzzard flies to the Bank with your money and puts it in your account. ... 2. "You mean the Buzzard doesn't steal my gold?" NO! ... 3. "How do I know you not lying to me, wanting me to lose gold?" You don't; but you can see for yourself. (a) Go to the Bank, deposit any in-hand money, see your total, write it down. (b) Go to the forest, fight 1 monster(win), see money in-hand. (c) Press the "B" key (The letter B) The Buzzard will grab money. (d) Go to the bank, subtract the number you wrote down, from the NEW total in the bank. The difference will be the money the Buzzard deposited for you...! ... 4. "Why should I bother with the Buzzard, I don't even like KFC?" Unlike chicken, the Buzzard isn't for eating... If you're afraid you will be killed in the forest, and want to play-safe after every fight by putting your money in the Bank; you can save time by having Seth's Winged Messenger deliver it for you. ... 5. "Sounds good, but there must be more to it?" You don't miss a trick! The REAL reason people "do" the Buzzard, is because of the hints OLIVIA gives you when you Get-Inside-Her-Head. She tells you where the princess is kept prisoner, so if you get the chance to save her, you don't have to guess which of the 5 places she is hidden. ... 6. "D'Uh, I know that; what's the Buzzard got to do with it?" Once OLIVIA tells you where to save the princess, if you leave the forest, the princess is moved and OLIVIA's hint is useless. ... 7. "You mean, don't leave the forest once OLIVIA talks?" Once OLIVIA tells you where to find the princess, don't leave The forest until you have saved the princess and got your reward, or you've run out of forest fights trying! Use the Buzzard to put your money in the bank instead; this way you can play-safe, and still have a better shot at saving the princess... ... 8. "Do you know other stuff about LORD?" Yes, there are two secrets to LORD, the first one is: Don't-Tell-Everything-You-Know-About-Lord...:) This was written by Jim Burmeister Of The Jim Joint (1:134/190.5 @