~!Inside the castle you hear singing and laughter. Walking along a corridor you come to the king's ball room. In the middle the king is listening to the jester as he explains that he is going to make an elephant appear out of nowhere. He does and there is applause all around for such a wonderful trick. Then he makes the elephant disappear again as space is needed for the ball. You look around and see many familiar faces. An old man in a new hat has his arm around an old lady who has on a formal gown. They smile as they recognize you. A farmer and a hermit are talking about their new items they got recently, while a shepherd and a dog keeper talk dog stories. Over in a corner the tax collector is trying to steal a kiss from the chamber maid. A wood cutter is linked arm in arm with a lady of the court. ~!The king tells the crowd he is glad the draw bridge over the moat got fixed in time so everyone could get to the ball. The carpenter takes a bow. The king spots you. Look everyone Ž ~!is here. We have been waiting for you. Everyone to the dining room. In the dining hall you are served a piece of ground meat by the cook. He tells you the butcher used his new meat grinder on it. A wine tester pours you a little glass in a new wine glass. Huge platters of fish are placed on the table and the king is surprised at their number. The fisherman winks at you. The bee keeper, next to the husbandman, passes you some honey. "There's no better honey in the land," the king laughs. Looking at a new clock, the time keeper says, "The ball is coming off right on time, your majesty." "Ah, yes," says the ~!king. The horse tamer sitting next to you thanks you again for the bridle you brought. "It makes taming a lot easier," he says. After the meal the social secretary invites everyone into a large room where there is a color television and a video cassette player. "We will now look at the video tape "The King and I," she says. The king takes his place in the seat of honor and the pipe maker puts a new pipe in the king's mouth. "Enjoy yourself, your majesty," he says. After the movie the king announces that there is some unfinished business. The king stands. " Ž ~!I understand you have found the Golden Sword with the help of all these people here. I'm proud to say the land is quite. All the monsters in the land have been defeated, especially those two monsters, Granville ~!and Big John. One hits you with his 1978 Ford LTD and the other with his bare hands. What a pair! "Bring me the Golden Sword. Now kneel Ž~!."The king touches you on both shoulders. "Arise. Now on to your next quest!"