PcbQueue Version 1.0b Copyright 1996, Lock 4 Software All Rights Reserved Published by: Lock 4 Software 1839 LawnView Drive Frederick, Maryland 21702 Phone (301) 620-7142 Fax (301) 662-3909 BBS (301) 620-0006 telnet bbs.os2mistress.com WWW www.os2mistress.com E-Mail Info@lock4.com No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Note: The Registration and Comment forms may be reproduced for corresponding to the author. Table of Contents ================= INTRODUCTION.........................................................1 PACKING LIST.........................................................2 LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMER............................3 DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE..............................................4 REGISTRATION INFORMATION.............................................5 FULL REGISTRATION.................................................5 SITE REGISTRATION.................................................5 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS FOR PCBQUEUE.................................6 SUMMARY OF PARAMETERS.............................................6 /A: - FIDONET STYLE ADDRESS TO USE................................6 /C - SEND PACKET/REQUEST WITH CRASH STATUS........................6 /D: - LOCATION OF PCBOARD.DAT.....................................7 /F: - FILENAME TO TAKE ACTION ON..................................7 /H - MARK PACKET/REQUEST WITH HOLD STATUS.........................7 /P - POLL A FIDONET STYLE SYSTEM..................................7 /PW: - PASSWORD FOR REQUEST.......................................7 /R - REQUEST A FILE FROM A FIDONET STYLE SYSTEM...................8 /S - SEND A FILE TO A FIDONET STYLE SYSTEM........................8 PARAMETER EXAMPLES:..................................................8 UNREGISTED SCREEN....................................................9 MAIN SCREEN..........................................................10 MAIN SCREEN EXPLAINED.............................................10 FLAG MEANINGS.....................................................11 ACTION KEYS.......................................................12 KEYS AND HOT KEYS.................................................13 ERROR MESSAGES.......................................................14 CREATING REQUEST FILE XXX.XXX.....................................14 FIDOQUE.DAT IS CURRENLTY BEING USED BY ANOTHER PROCCESS...........14 FIDOQUE [XXX.XXX] NOT FOUND.......................................14 INVALID PCBDAT ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE XXX...........................14 OPENING FIDOQUE.DAT #.............................................14 OPENING PCBFIDO.CFG #.............................................14 OPENING PCBOARD.DAT FILE LOOKING FOR DEFAULT FIDO ADDRESS.........15 OPENING SELECTED FILE #...........................................15 PCBFIDO.CFG NOT FOUND AS XXX.XXX..................................15 WRITING FIDOQUE.DAT HEADER #......................................15 WRITING TO FIDOQUE.DAT #..........................................15 ERROR - FINDING FIDOQUE.DAT IN PCBOARD.DAT........................15 ERROR - OPENING PCBOARD.DAT FILE..................................15 Page i ERROR - LOCATION OF PCBOARD.DAT NOT SPECIFIED OR FOUND IN ENVIROMENT OR CURRENT DIRECTORY.......................16 INVALID PARAMETER X...............................................16 INVALID FIDO ADDRESS. RECHECK /A PARAMETER........................16 NO ADDRESS SPECIFIED FOR POLL. USE /A PARAMETER...................16 NO ADDRESS SPECIFIED FOR REQUEST. USE /A PARAMETER................16 REQUESTED FILENAME NOT GIVEN. USE /F PARAMETER....................16 REQUESTED FILENAME PASSWORD INCORRECT. CHECK /PW PARAMETER........16 NO ADDRESS SPECIFIED FOR TRANSMIT. USE /A PARAMETER...............17 TRANSMIT FILENAME NOT GIVEN. USE /F PARAMETER.....................17 INDEX................................................................19 Page ii INTRODUCTION ============ PcbQueue is an OS/2 and DOS utility for viewing and manipulating PcBoard's version 15.2x Fido Dialing Queue. By using PcbQueue, queue entries may be added, deleted, changed or viewed from a full screen user friendly interface. Queue entries may be added to the queue from command line parameters allowing PcbQueue to be run from system events or batch files. To run PcbQueue, enter PcbQ [ENTER] from the DOS prompt or PcbQ2 [ENTER] from an OS/2 full screen or windowed session. The location of PcBoard's PCBOARD.DAT must be the current directory, specified in the PcBoard environment variable PCBDAT or pass as a command line parameter. The registered version of PcbQueue does not require pressing the '$' key to continue and the delay is removed when running as an event. Throughout this manual, PcbQueue's DOS executable is used in examples. If using the OS/2 version, replace PcbQ with PcbQ2. Page 1 PACKING LIST ============ PcbQueue is shipped with the following files and documentation: File Name Size Date Time Description ------------------------------------------------------------------- PcbQ.exe 80988 11-12-96 9:53p DOS version executable. PcbQ2.exe 86584 11-12-96 9:53p OS/2 version executable. Register.frm 3097 11-12-96 9:53p Registration form to obtain a registered version of PcbQueue. Comment.frm 2569 11-12-96 9:53p Comments form for reporting comments and bugs. PcbQueue.txt 40405 11-12-96 9:53p Documentation for PcbQueue. Packing.lst 1046 11-12-96 9:53p List of Files and documentation shipped with PcbQueue. File_id.diz 204 11-12-96 9:53p Description file for PcbQueue. Page 2 LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMER Please read the following terms and conditions. Use of this software constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and your agreement to abide by them. If you do not agree with them, do not use the software. You are hereby licensed to use the Shareware Version of PcbQueue for a 30 day evaluation period. Please make as many copies of the Shareware Version of this software and documentation as you wish,. Give exact copies of the original Shareware Version to anyone and distribute the Shareware Version of PcbQueue and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge of any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies, however made, and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission, with one exception: Disk Vendors approved by the Association of Shareware professionals (ASP) are permitted to redistribute PcbQueue, subject to the conditions in this license, without specific written permission. This software is covered by United Stated Copyright law and international treaty conventions. For the Registration price you are granted a license to use the product subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The registered version of PcbQueue will only be used by a single person who uses the software on one or more computers or to a single workstation used by multiple people. 2. A separate "site license" and fee is required if the registered version of PcbQueue is to be run on more then one machine by more than one person. Accessing the registered version of PcbQueue through a Local Area Network (or similar artifact) by multiple people on multiple machines, also requires a "site license". 3. The programs and other files contained with the registered version of PcbQueue may not be duplicated or copied except for archival purposes, installation on the operational machines as outlined above, or to replace defective media. 4. Any copies must bear the copyright notices contained in the original product. 5. No copies of the registered version of PcbQueue may be produced for sale to third parties or for any purpose other than given above. The registered version of PcbQueue software may not be placed on any bulletin board or other electronic systems where others can download the software program. 6. This license may be transferred to a third party, provided the third party agrees to all the terms of this licensing agreement, and all copies are transferred to the new licensee or destroyed by the original licensee. We reserve the right to assess a small charge to process the change in registration. 7. Registering of PcbQueue does not transfer any right, title, or interest in PcbQueue or the associated programs, except as specifically set forth in this agreement. 8. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Maryland. Any action taken by either party relating to this agreement shall be brought only in a State or Federal Court in Frederick, Maryland. 9. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the Agreement. 10. This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. The entire risk is assumed by the purchaser. Under no circumstances shall the licenser be held liable for more than the purchase price of the product. If the media proves defective it will be replaced. Page 3 DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE ======================= Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and Commercial Software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones.) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's Commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. You are encouraged to pass a copy of the unregistered version of PcbQueue along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. Page 4 REGISTRATION INFORMATION ======================== PcbQueue is Shareware. You are allowed to evaluate PcbQueue for a period not to exceed 30 days. After such time if you decided PcbQueue meet your requirements, you must register your copy. Please see the file Register.frm for a complete list of registration prices. Full Registration ----------------- A full registration of PcbQueue is available for thirty dollars ($30) in U.S.A. Funds. For the registration price you will receive: 1. A disk containing the latest registered version of PcbQueue. This registered version does not contain any Shareware Registration information. Therefore the registered version of PcbQueue will be somewhat smaller and faster. 2. A printed users manual for PcbQueue. 3. Free updates of PcbQueue for one year from date of registration. 4. Free technical support by phone, BBS, Internet, fax and mail. Site Registration ----------------- If PcbQueue is to be utilized on more than one machine by more than one person or accessed on a Local Area Network (or similar artifact) by multiple people on multiple machines, a "site license" is required. Please see the file Register.frm for pricing on "site licensing" for PcbQueue. For a site registration of PcbQueue you will receive: 1. A disk containing the latest version of PcbQueue. 2. A printed users manual for PcbQueue. (Extra program disks and manuals are available). 3. Free updates of PcbQueue for one year from date of registration. 4. Free technical support by phone, BBS, Internet, fax and mail. Page 5 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS FOR PCBQUEUE ==================================== All command line parameters for PcbQueue are case insensitive. Either a forward slash '/' or a minus sign '-' can be used for all parameters (Ex. /? or -?) Summary of Parameters --------------------- /? - Display Help. /A: - FidoNet Style Address To Use. /C - Send Packet/Request With CRASH Status. /D: - Location of PCBOARD.DAT. /F: - Filename To Take Action On. /H - Mark Packet/Request With HOLD Status. /P - Poll A System. /PW: - Password For Request. /R - Request A File. /S - Send A File. /A: - FidoNet Style Address To Use ---------------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /a:1:109/1200 PcbQ /a:109/1200 PcbQ /a:1200 Default - N/A Informs PcbQueue the FidoNet style system address to perform an action on. Note: If a full 3D address is not given, PcbQueue will use default zone and network as configured in PcbSetup. /C - Send Packet/Request With CRASH Status ------------------------------------------ Syntax - PcbQ /c Default - No Crash The packet or file request will be marked with CRASH status. PcBoard in return, will send the packet/request immediately. Page 6 /D: - Location of PCBOARD.DAT ----------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /d:C:\PCB\PCBOARD.DAT Default - Will look in current directory and environment. Specifies the location of PcBoard's PCBOARD.DAT file. If this parameter is not used, PcbQueue will look in the current directory, then for the environment variable PCBDAT. If PCBOARD.DAT still cannot be located, PcbQueue will exit without processing any data. /F: - Filename To Take Action On -------------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /f:nodelist.zip Default - N/A When sending or requesting a file the filename to take action on must be specified. If sending the file, the full path may be passed. /H - Mark Packet/Request With HOLD Status ----------------------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /h Default - No HOLD The packet or file request will be marked with HOLD status. PcBoard in return, will hold the packet/request until the other system calls to retrieve it. /P - Poll A FidoNet Style System -------------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /p Default - N/A Places a Poll request into the queue for the system specified with the /A option to the PcBoard Fido Queue. Note: The address to Poll must be specified with the /A option. /PW: - Password For Request --------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /pw:password Default - No Password If a file request requires a password, use this option to specify it. Page 7 /R - Request A File From A FidoNet Style System ----------------------------------------------- Syntax - PcbQ /r Default - N/A Adds a Request for a file from another FidoNet Style system to the PcBoard Fido Queue. Note: If the requested file requires a password also use the /PW: option. /S - Send A File To A FidoNet Style System ------------------------------------------ Syntax - PcbQ /s Default - N/A Sends a file specified by the /F: parameter to the system specified with the /A parameter. Note: Must specify an address to Send the file to with the /A option. PARAMETER EXAMPLES ================== PcbQ /r /f:PCBQUEUE /a:1:109/1200 Request the file PCBQUEUE from address 1:109/1200 PcbQ /p 1:109/1200 Poll system 1:109/1200 to check for mail PcbQ /s /f:n:\files\nodediff.zip /a:40:4370/742 /h Send the file NODEDIFF.ZIP located in n:\files to address 40:4370/742 and flag the file with HOLD status. PcbQ /r /f:topsecert /pw:special /a:81:125/301 /c Request the file TOPSECRET from system 81:125/301 and use the password SPECIAL and flag the request as CRASH. PcbQ /? Display a list of all valid parameters. PcbQ Run Pcbqueue in interactive mode. Page 8 UNREGISTED SCREEN ================= Upon running the unregistered version of PcbQueue, the Main Screen will be displayed along with one of several random registration messages. To continue, press the dollar sign '$' key. The registered version of PcbQueue does not display these registration messages or require the dollar sign key to be pressed. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | PcbQueue - Version 1.0b - PcBoard 15.2x FidoNet Queue Utility | | Registered To [UnRegistered Copy] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Entry | Address | Flags | File | Failed | Flag Meaning | |--------------------------------------------------------------|--------------| | The shareware system and the continued availability of | C = Crash | | quality shareware products depend on your willingness to | F = Freqed | | register and pay for the shareware you use. It's the | H = Hold | | registration fees you pay which allow us to support and | K = Kill | | continue to develop our products. | After | | | Send | | | N = Normal | | | O = Outbound | | | P = Poll | | | p = Already | | Press {$} To Continue | Polled | | | R = File | | | Request | | | S = Send | | | File | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (A)dd (D)elete (E)dit (F)ailed (P)oll (S)ort (R)eRead (T)oggle All (Q)uit | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Page 9 MAIN SCREEN =========== /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | PcbQueue - Version 1.0b - PcBoard 15.2x FidoNet Queue Utility | | Registered To [UnRegistered Copy] | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Entry | Address | Flags | File | Failed | Flag Meaning | |--------------------------------------------------------------|--------------| | 001 1:109/739 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | C = Crash | | 002 1:109/1201 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | F = Freqed | | 003 1:109/739 F FIDOSTAT.NA 000 | H = Hold | | 004 1:109/1205 P FILEBONE.NA 000 | K = Kill | | 005 1:109/1205 P FILEBONE.NA 000 | After | | 006 1:109/1205 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | Send | | 007 1:109/1205 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | N = Normal | | 008 1:109/1201 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | O = Outbound | | 009 1:109/739 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | P = Poll | | 010 1:109/1201 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | p = Already | | 011 1:109/1205 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | Polled | | 012 1:109/739 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | R = File | | 013 1:109/739 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | Request | | 014 1:109/739 NS BACKBONE.NA 000 | S = Send | | | File | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | (A)dd (D)elete (E)dit (F)ailed (P)oll (S)ort (R)eRead (T)oggle All (Q)uit | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Main Screen Explained --------------------- Entry Event's place in the queue. Address Full 3d or 4d FidoNet style destintation address. Flags Abbreviated send status for queue entry. File Name of the packet file for the destination address, name of the file to be sent or name of Request file packet. If the entry is a POLL, the word "Poll" will be displayed. The file "Poll" will not be sent. Failed Number of times PcBoard attemped to send the entry and failed. Page 10 Flag Meanings ============= C - Crash PcBoard will send this packet/request as soon as possible. F - Freq Freq Request. File is being sent to another system. Normally used by file processing software, i.e. ALLFIX. H - Hold PcBoard will not send this packet/request. It will be held until the receiving system calls in. K - Kill After Send Delete the file after it is sent. This flag is used when the same file is sent to multiple addresses. N - Normal Send packet/request without any special flags. O - Outbound Packet/file is destined for another system. Normally used by file processing software, i.e. RAID ALLFIX. P - Poll PcBoard will call this system to check/receive mail. p - Already Polled This address was already polled. This flag is kept to keep PcBoard from recalling the system. R - File Request This packet is a request for a file from the specifed address. S - Send File This file will be sent to the specifed address. Page 11 Action Keys =========== (A)dd Upon selecting, a prompt is displayed with choices to (R)equest A File or (T)ransmit A File. Selecting to Request a file will prompt for the system address, file name and password if any. Selecting to Transmit a file will prompt for the system address and the file name with path to be transmitted. (D)elete Removes the currently selected entry from the queue. If more than one entry is selected, all selected entries will be removed. Only the entry is removed from the queue. The file itself is not deleted from the hard drive. (E)dit Selecting Edit will display a prompt requesting the new address for the packet/request. (F)ailed The currently selected file(s) failed counter will be reset to zero. (P)oll Adds a system poll to the queue. A prompt is displayed requesting the destination address. If the full 3d or 4d address is not given, PcBoard's default network and zone as defined with PcbSetup will be used. (S)ort This option allows the queue to be reordered in a more readable fashion. Upon selecting, a prompt will be displayed with four options. (A)ddress - Sorts the queue by the destination address. (C)all Attempts - Sorts the queue by the number of failed attempts. (F)lags - Sort the queue according to the packets/requests flags. F(i)le - Sorts the queue by file names. (R)eRead The PcBoard Fidonet Queue will be reread into the system. (T)oggle All Toggles all entries in the queue as selected/unselected. (Q)uit Exit from the program. Page 12 Keys and Hot Keys ================= Delete Removes the currently selected entry from the queue. If more than one entry is selected, all selected entries will be removed. Only the entry is removed from the queue. The file itself is not deleted from the hard drive. ESC Abort entry of the current prompt. If at the main menu, hitting ESC will exit the program. Enter Pressing ENTER will display detailed information about the currently selected queue entry. Information displayed in order is: File Size, File Date, File Name with path. Key Pad + The currently selected entry will be marked as selected. This allows action on multiple queue entries. Key Pad - The currently selected entry will be unmarked as unselected. Up Arrow Move up one row in the queue. Down Arrow Move down one row in the queue. Page Up Move up the queue one page at a time. Page Down Move down the queue one page at a time. Home Move to the first entry in the queue. End Move to the last entry in the queue. Page 13 ERROR MESSAGES ============== Various warning and error messages may be encouring using PcbQueue. Below is a list of the most comman that may occur. Creating Request File xxx.xxx ----------------------------- PcbQueue could not create the Request file in your PcBoard outbound directory. Either your outbound directory is incorrect in PcbSetup, the directory does not exist or your hard drive is full. FIDOQUE.DAT Is Currenlty Being Used By Another Proccess ------------------------------------------------------- Another program is currently using the PcBoard Fidonet Queue and has lock the file as read only. Try running PcbQueue after giving the other program a chance to finish with the queue. FIDOQUE [xxx.xxx] Not Found. ---------------------------- PcbQueue cannot find PcBoard Fidonet queue by the name of xxx.xxx. This file name was found in PcBoard's configuration files. Either the file name is incorrect or is missing from your hard drive. Invalid PCBDAT Environment Variable xxx --------------------------------------- The environment variable specified as xxx is not valid. Verify that the variable is pointing to the correct location of PCBOARD.DAT. Opening FIDOQUE.DAT # --------------------- An problem has occured opening PcBoard's Fidonet queue. The error number is specified by the #. If the problem continues, please the problem along with this error number. Opening PCBFIDO.CFG # --------------------- An problem has occured opening PcBoard's Fidonet configuration file. The error number is specified by the #. If the problem continues, please the problem along with this error number. Page 14 Opening PCBOARD.DAT File Looking For Default Fido Address. ---------------------------------------------------------- PcbQueue could not open the file PCBOARD.DAT while trying to find the default Fidonet setings. Verify the location of PCBOARD.DAT and that the PcBoard Fidonet setting are correct in PcbSetup. Opening Selected File # ----------------------- Addition information about the selected file cannot be given. Either the file has been set already and has been deleted or another program is currently using the file. The error number is specified by the #. If the problem continues, please the problem along with this error number. PCBFIDO.CFG Not Found As xxx.xxx -------------------------------- PcbQueue found the file name xxx.xxx in the PcBoard configuation files as the name and location of the PcBoard Fidonet configuration file. Either the file name is incorrect or does not exist. Verify the settings in PcbSetup. Writing FIDOQUE.DAT Header # ---------------------------- An error occured created the header for the PcBoard Fidonet queue file. The error number is specified by the #. If the problem continues, please the problem along with this error number. Writing To FIDOQUE.DAT # ------------------------ An error occured created the PcBoard Fidonet queue file. The error number is specified by the #. If the problem continues, please the problem along with this error number. ERROR - Finding FIDOQUE.DAT In PCBOARD.DAT. ------------------------------------------- PcbQueue could not location the location of FIDOQUE.DAT in the PcBoard configuration files. Either the Fidonet information was never entered in PcbSetup or an invalid version of PcBoard is being used. ERROR - Opening PCBOARD.DAT File. --------------------------------- PcbQueue could not open the file PCBOARD.DAT. Either the location given is invalid, the file does not exist or another program has locked the file. Page 15 ERROR - Location Of PCBOARD.DAT Not Specified Or Found In Enviroment Or Current Directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The location of file PCBOARD.DAT could not be found. PcbQueue searched in the current directory and for the PCBDAT enviroment variable. Either run PcbQueue from the direcotry PCBOARD.DAT resides or specify its location with the /D: parameter. Invalid Parameter x ------------------- The parameter x was passed on the command line and is invalid. See the Command Line Parameters For PcbQueue section for valid parameters. Invalid Fido Address. Recheck /a Parameter. ------------------------------------------- The address specified with the /a parameter is not valid. If a full 3d or 4d address was not passed, PcbQueue will use the default zone and network as specified in PcbSetup. No Address Specified For POLL. Use /a Parameter. ------------------------------------------------ A Poll request was passed on the command line but no destination address was given. Use the /a parameter to specify the address. No Address Specified For REQUEST. Use /a Parameter. --------------------------------------------------- A file Request was passed on the command line but no destination address was given. Use the /a parameter to specify the address. REQUESTed Filename Not Given. Use /f Parameter. ----------------------------------------------- A file Request was passed on the command line but no file name was given. Use the /f parameter to specify the file name. REQUESTed Filename Password Incorrect. Check /pw Parameter. ----------------------------------------------------------- A file Request was passed on the command line but the /pw parameter was incorrectly used. See the Command Line Parameters For PcbQueue section for valid parameter usage. Page 16 No Address Specified For TRANSMIT. Use /a Parameter. ---------------------------------------------------- A Transmit file request was passed on the command line but no destination address was given. Use the /a parameter to specify the address. TRANSMIT Filename Not Given. Use /f Parameter. ---------------------------------------------- A Transmit file request was passed on the command line but no file name was given. Use the /f parameter to specify the file name. Page 17 Comment Form Your comments are valuable to us. They assist in improving our programs and documentation. We would also like to know it you experience any problems while using the program. Please Fax, E-mail or send the form to us at: Lock 4 Software 1839 LawnView Drive Frederick, Maryland 21702 E-Mail Comments@lock4.com BBS (301) 620-0006 Telnet bbs.os2mistress.com Fax (301) 662-3090 Date: ____________ Program Name: __________________ Version: ______________ Operating System & Version : _______________________________ Parameters:______________________________________________ Priority: ______________ Critical Program does not function Important Program functions, but not satisfactorily Request Program functions, but with slight irregularities Comment New features, changes, etc. Reporting Individual: (Name, Company, Address, Phone, E-Mail) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 INDEX ===== ------------ ------------ / E /A, 6 Edit, 12 /C, 6 E-Mail, 1 /D, 7 End, 13 /F:, 7 Enter, 13 /H, 7 Entry, 10 /P, 7 environment, 1 /PW:, 7 ESC, 13 /R, 8 /S, 8 ------------ F ------------ Failed, 10, 12 A Fax, 1 Add, 12 File, 10 Address, 6, 10 File Request, 11 Already Polled, 11 Flags, 10 Freq, 11 ------------ B ------------ BBS, 1 H Bug, 2 Hold, 11 Bug Report, 18 Home, 13 ------------ ------------ C K Copyright, 1, 4 Key Pad, 13 Crash, 11 Key Pad -, 13 Key Pad +, 13 ------------ Kill After Send, 11 D Delete, 12, 13 ------------ Down Arrow, 13 L License, 3 Page 19 ------------ registered, 1 N Registration, 5 Normal, 11 registration messages, 9 Request, 8 ------------ ReRead, 12 O Outbound, 11 ------------ S ------------ Send, 8 P Send File, 11 Page Down, 13 Shareware, 4 Page Up, 13 site licensing, 5 PCBDAT, 1 Sort, 12 PCBOARD.DAT, 1, 7 PcbQ, 2 ------------ PcbQ2, 2 T PcbQueue, 1 telnet, 1 Phone, 1 Toggle All, 12 Poll, 7, 11, 12 ------------ ------------ U Q unregistered, 4 Quit, 12 Up Arrow, 13 ------------ ------------ R W Register, 2 WWW, 1 Page 20