Events on this day...  Leonid meteor shower, radiant in Leo  1497 Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope  1820 Antarctica discovered by US Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer.  1903 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gave US canal rights thru Panama  1913 Lincoln Deachey performs the first airplane loop-the-loop  1918 Latvia declares independence from Russia  1928 Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in "Steamboat Willy"  1936 Main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is joined.  Happy Birthday to:  1789 Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, developed a method of photography  1836 Sir W.S. Gilbert, playwright (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame)  1899 Eugene Ormandy, conductor (Philadelphia Orchestra)  1923 Alan Sheppard, first American into space (Freedom 7, Apollo 14)  1928 Mickey Mouse, film star  Todays Witticism:  And I thought *I* had problems!