WELL CONNECTED BBS & Revolving Door Software Canada Present "AIRTIGHT" Ver. 1.0 A .WCX for use with Wildcat BBS Software Versions 4.01, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.20 DISCLAIMER: You use this code at your own risk, should you have a problem with that, then, I suggest you DO NOT install or use this .WCX program. TESTING: The product, if used as described, works flawlessly. I and several other SYSOP's have tested the HELL out of it and encountered NO problems. So it should work very well on YOUR system. AFTER UNZIPPING YOU SHOULD HAVE: INSTALL.TXT ------------> This File AIRTIGHT.BBS ------------> A nice "Login" Menu Banner AIRTIGHT.CFG ------------> The "AIRTIGHT" Password+ File AIRTIGHT.420 ------------> Executable Code for Ver. 4.20 Sysops AIRTIGHT.412 ------------> Executable Code for Ver. 4.12 Sysops AIRTIGHT.411 ------------> Executable Code for Ver. 4.11 Sysops AIRTIGHT.401 ------------> Executable Code for Ver. 4.01 Sysops WHAT DOES THIS THING DO ? Unlike other .wcx programs, AIRTIGHT allows YOU, to define a "Global" System Access Password for use on your BBS. Once installed, AIRTIGHT will prompt ALL Callers for this Password prior to the continuation of the Login process. If the Caller knows the Password, then the Normal Login sequence continues, should the Caller NOT have an established account then the "normal" New User Questionnaire is presented and life goes on. Should the Caller fail to enter the Correct System Access Password then the System politely "BOOTS" them off! ... and the Login process is terminated ! . WHY IS THIS THING SO GOOD ? Many .wcx authors riddle their "code" with all sorts of self promotion and advertising for their OWN BBS systems, flashing their BBS Tel #'s in your callers faces, etc... or, even worse, building in ANNOYING delays that are of NO value to you or your callers! This .wcx has NONE of the above mentioned grief associated with it, but should you decide to run it, please, send us a small donation as a TOKEN of your thanks . Recap: "NO Delays, No Grief, No Demo Keys, No Self-Promotion" OK I'M SOLD! - HOW DO I INSTALL IT ? 1) From the .wcx's included with this archive, find the one that matches the Ver. # of the Wildcat BBS Software you are using and rename the appropriate file to PRELOG.WCX *** If you are already using a Prelog.wcx program for example, rename your original Prelog.wcx to whatever you like, i.e: Prelog2.wcx and leave it in your Wildcat Home Dir. Now, before going any further ... edit Line 2 of the AIRTIGHT.CFG file to reflect the name of the file you wish to run right after the AIRTIGHT prg, in this case, per the example: Prelog2.wcx (If you are using Ver. 4.10 of Wildcat!, select the AIRTIGHT.401 file). 2) Copy your new PRELOG.WCX file into your Wildcat Home Directory i.e: C:\WILDCAT 3) Copy or Move the AIRTIGHT.CFG file to your Wildcat Home Directory again, this is likely: C:\WILDCAT Do NOT rename this file as it is HARDCODED, and doing so will defeat the purpose of installing this utility ! 4) Copy or Move the AIRTIGHT.BBS file into your DISPLAY directory. In most cases, likely C:\WILDCAT\DISP If you like EDIT the AIRTIGHT.BBS file with WCDRAW to reflect your own BBS's Theme / Style. But, why bother it's only one Screen!. 5) Edit the AIRTIGHT.CFG file to reflect the Password you wish to use on your BBS System . IMPORTANT STUFF: This is a Donate-Ware product. Feel free to use it on your BBS however, should you like it, or find it useful to you or your callers then, please send in a small donation as a token of your appreciation of our HARD work and our most excellent and somtimes long winded documentation skills :). Our Mailing Address is: WELL CONNECTED BBS P.O. Box 30033 250 Greenbank Road Nepean, Ontario., Canada K2N 1A3 Please send Donations, in the form of Postal or International Money Orders, payable to: Simon Rolfe FEEDBACK Internet E-Mail: creative.genius@cyberia.offsbbs.com simon.rolfe@mustang.com simon@newforce.ca