This Freeware program is from Bulletproof Software, Ozark Al Disclamer: I guarentee this program will take up Very Little hard drive space. It works on My Wildcat 5 system and at 3 Other Wildcat 5 bbs. It is written in WcCode for WILDCAT 5 ONLY. This FREEWARE version MUST be run from a MENU. NOT the wcRun command line! I suggest the SYSOP Menu! All Bulletproof Shareware & freeware is NEVER crippled or Delayed. It may not have all the wistles and bells that the registered version has but it will ALWAYS do everything the Registered version will do. Why Register a Bulletproof program? 1. You can then run it from an Event. 2. Your BBS name will be displayed instead of Mine! 3. I really need the $5.00!! What $5.00 is more that you can afford? Well then send me a SOB Story AND an idea for a Utility (not I wish I had a program that would do this and this and this. Just ONE idea per program Please Lets KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!) What this program does. It will create from 0 to ????? (I'v used it to create 225 seperate lists, one for Each File Area). It produces a TEXT file with a 3 line Header and then starts with your file areas. Each file area is seperated by a header. See the Sample file list "allfiles.bbs" in this zip file. What it does NOT do. it Does NOT write to ANY file except the files YOU put in the filelist.cfg file. It READS your file database. How it does it. It reads a Configuration File CALLED filelist.cfg; example folows ************************************** C:\WC5\ALLFILES.BBS YES 4 50 C:\WC5\CDFILES.BBS YES 61 92 C:\WC5\ADULTCD.BBS YES 100 138 **************************************** Line 1. The Name (127 characters MAX) of the Output file to Create. NOTE: If no Path is given the File wil be created in the WINDOWS TEMP Dir! Line 2. Create a New List? YES, Create a NEW List. NO, If a list exists with the name given in Line 1, ADD to that List. If the file can not be found a NEW file is created. Line 3. The Frist file area to output to this list. Line 4. The Last file area to output to this list Continue line 1 thur 4 for Each file you wish created! This list can Contain as MANY file's as you wish! Each MUST have 4 Lines and there can NOT be ANY blank lines!!! Line 2 Confusing? Here is some help. Suppose when you Frist set up Wildcat you decided to have 30 file areas. Later you Added a CD Rom for File areas 35-70. Later you got 1000 Domm programs. So you created some Doom file areas, and you added some more for the Internet, and... SO now your On-line file areas are 1-30 AND 75-105. By creating TWO file lists with the SAME Line 1, set the First Line 2 to YES and the Second Line 2 to NO, the remaining On-line files will be on the SAME list! Example: ****************************************** C:\WC5\ALLFILES.BBS YES 1 30 C:\WC5\CDFILES.BBS YES 35 70 C:\WC5\ALLFILES.BBS NO 75 105 ******************************* This configuration would create 2 File lists. Allfiles.bbs would list file areas 1 thur 30 AND file areas 75 to 105. Cdfiles.bbs would list areas 35-70. To Install this program. copy the filelist.wcx & filelist.cfg to your Wildcat 5 Dir. EDIT the FILELIST.CFG run wcMenu and ADD it to your Sysop Menu (or any other menu you want) If you like it and use it, Please drop me a note. If you would like a Customized Version with YOUR BBS Name or different header, or... Send me some $$ to cover the shipping and handling and whatever you think is fair along with the information, Header you would like. If you would like a Command line version (so you can run it with your events). Send me $5.00 and download it from My BBS! -= or =- I'll e-mail it to you. Or Send me $7.50 and I'll snail mail it on ONE 3" floppy disk. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Other services offered by Bulletproof Software! Custom Database programing. (Multi-user, Network and Remote Accessable). I have written programs for Bank of Americia, Sears & Robock, The U.S. Army (ATCOM, Army Transportation Command), The U.S. Navy (Top Gun), SAIC, and many Small Buisness (Gun Shops, Pawn Shops, Music Stores, Better Business, Churches...). Custom CD's and CD Duplicating! (Small Quantities Only, 1-20 each) ALMOST FREE! (Starts at $25.00 each, for CD Copying, NOTE! YOU MUST have the ORIGINAL CD & Manual!) Create your Own Music CD, take your favorite songs from 8-20 CD's and create ONE CD! Back up your Hard Drive to a CD for Instant Rebuild! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Art Richardson dba Bulletproof Software 608 B Newton Ave. Ozark Al 36360-1825 e-mail BBS 334.445.0312 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Whats New or Changes! Version dated 09/29/96 added the ability to use this utility on ANY drive (all prior versions required wildcat to be on C drive) Increased the Speed about 400%!!! added the File Area Number to the File Header (user request). Version dated 09/24/96 Added Error Detection and Correction. If one of the Configuration settings is incorrect we display the line that caused the error and SKIP that section instead of dumping you back to Wildcat or worse yet if it could not file the config file it would sometimes hang Wildcat! Added a Display line telling you What File is being created. We now check for the start_area being SMALLER than the end_area and reverse them if necessary. Added a Check for the end_area not being valid. If your end_area is larger than the total number of file areas or 0 we create a file to go from the start area to the Last File area. Version dated 09/21/96 Added File Size to the File display line. Increased the program speed by about 40% IF your config file is in is in Numercial order (start area). (09/29/96 No Longer Necessary!) Version dated 09/19/96 First release