Greetings! I'm going to make this brief... I obtained the general structure of the PRELOG.WCC file from MSI but found it to be pretty simple. I therefore added more things to it to make it almost exactly like the generic prelog sequence as if you hadn't even used a PRELOG.WCX in the first place. However, I could only do so much with my experience and energy. The source code is included if you wish to do anything more with it. The program itself works great and I am very happy with it. It was created do "disable" the function which let any caller leave the sysop a message after a false password or verification check. Since I do not like receiving mail from hackers trying to frame my other users, I did not wish to have this function enabled. I could not disable it as no one else can, so I had to rewrite most of the program to accomplish it. I hope you like it! Oh yes, the program does not operate local for certain reasons... including the quick sysop logon function. This won't be much of a loss since local users usually don't hack users accounts . Jason Rudbeck Red Baron