This package includes the files: INTWIN.PH Interrupt List phrases file for HC?? compression README This file FILE_ID.DIZ Identification file INT2WHLP.CFG Configuration file INTWIN.PH is a phrases file compiled from Ralf Brown's Interrupt List release 52 with Christian Mller-Planitz's and Bent Lynggaard's program INT2WHLP. A phrases file contains compression information used by the HC31 and HCP help file compilers when compiling in high compression mode. Because the title was changed on a topic referenced by an alias, this phrases file was compiled with a configuration file slightly different from the configuration file included in INT2WHLP.ZIP. The new configuration file is included in this package. The compilation includes INTERRUP.LST and most of the supplementary *.LST files in Ralf Brown's Interrupt List package. The reason for supplying this phrases file is that it is requires much computer resources to compile it: 630 kb < required DOS memory < 730 kb 48 Mb < required free disk space < 58 Mb which is not easily available on many computers. 1996-10-20. Bent Lynggaard