Command & Conquer Easter Eggs! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brought to you by: YAcko© (Mike McFall 102412,471) all found inside GAME.DAT HIDDEN MUSIC -=-=-=-=-=-=- When making INI files try putting these in as the ! VALKYRIE: Wagner's ride of the Valkyrie as heard on Apocalypse Now's(©) chopper scene. cool. BEFEARED: An awesome song! (Dont know why they hid it) WIN1: the Winning screen music (great shot! :) ) MAP1: the Map screen music I_AM: The music played when you win with NOD AIRSTRIK: The music played when you win with GDI J2: Dinosaur congo-like music MOVIES -=-=-=- Try putting these in your INI: GENERIC: A breifing about strange animals DINO: Hovercrafts landing on a dinosaur island STRANGE TEXT -=-=-=-=-=-=- If you have a hexer, take a look at the text starting on byte 1130872. Here it is anyway: hisssss. Roger. Come in. Over and out. Requesting transport. Attach to transport. I've got a delivery for you. I'm performing load/unload maneuver. Be careful. I'm clear to unload. Driving away now. Am unable to comply. I'm starting construction now... act busy. I've finished construction. You are free. We bumped, redraw yourself please. I'm trying to load up now. May I become a passenger? are you ready to recieve shipment? Are you trying to become a passenger? Move to location X. Do you need to move? All right already. Now what? I'm a passenger now. Backup into the refinery now. Run away! Tether established. Tether broken. Repair one stop. Are you prepared to fight? Attack his target please. Reload one step. Take this kick! You.. You... Take this punch! You... You... Fancy a little fisticuffs, eh? FILE ERROR ( ) : . Press any key to retry. Press to exit program. Press any key to exit program. TEMP SAVEGAME.%03d....etc. (the rest is program code) >>Where it starts "FILE ERROR" I think I see a mini program within the game.. >>maybe there is a way to get to this text. It is not a switch, I looked for it, >>maybe you can find it! Like I said, all this is in the GAME.DAT file, there's lots of interesting things inside! The game.dat tells C&C where everything is, so dont mess with it if you dont know what you are doing. Command & Conquer is Copyright Westwood Studios, Any disassembly is strictly forbidden. You can also try out my cool missions :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CARTER.ZIP FOD.ZIP SINFOD.ZIP All in GAMERS