===================================================================== Title : The Daemonic Colony Filename : COLONY.WAD Author : Stephen Mercer E-mail Address : Contact me through 100623.1612@CompuServe.com Misc Author Info : Get "Acropolis" also on the CIS ActionGames Forum. Description : Masterpiece ? Rubbish ? E-mail me with your opinion. It is big, very detailed, realistic and it took me so long I do like to think that it is a good level. If maybe too hard monsterwise - but you all know the cheats anyway. . . (!) Yes I know it looks a lot it should be called "Mines" but if I'd have called it that you wouldn't have downloaded it would you ? (!) Additional Credits to : Oliver Beddall =================================================================== * Play Information * Level - Doom 2 : 1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No - the stuff is there, but the level would be TOTALLY unplayable in Deathmatch. Difficulty Settings : Didn't bother doing it. You do it if you like. New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Deu, DeeP, PSP, WinTex Known Bugs : It's way to dark unless you have gamma correction 4 Construction Time : In excess of 80hrs, at a guess - I work slowly! Things : 375 } Vertices : 1575 } Linedefs : 2014 } I hope you're suitably impressed !!! Sidedefs : 3011 } Sectors : 485 } } Altered/new sounds/ } graphics : 39 } * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may not edit this level other than changing "THINGS" to correct the difficulty. Please don't edit sectors linedefs etc. You MAY distribute this WAD, in fact please do, provided you include this file. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I will not be responsible if this WAD becomes reality, and you find yourself lost down the mines for life. Neither will I admit liablity if you develop a nervous disorder from playing this WAD. Any other legal claims concerning injuries - eg loss of limbs, decapitation, failure of major organs - will be considered on their own merits. * Want deathmatch ? * Shame you can't really deathmatch in the COLONY, but why not download: > "Metamorphosis" I, II and III > "Sex" I and II From the ActionGames Forum, some of them on the ModemGames forum too. * Where to get this WAD * The CIS ActionGames Forum