ллллллллллллллллВВББАА лл ллл лл лл лл лл ллллл лллл л л лллл лл лл лл лл лл л лл лл л л лл лл лл лл лл л лл лл л лл л л лллллл лллллллллл лл ллл лллллл л лл лл лл лл лл ллл лл лл л лл лллл лл лл лллллллл л л лл лл л л лл лл л лл л лл ллл ллл Created by John Bye Several days ago UAC intelligence picked up a garbled distress call emenating from a remote mountain valley on the newly-settled planet of Cygnus IV. A rescue crew sent to investigate broke contact with their base shortly after reaching the area. Being the only strike force in the vicinity, your unit was ordered to secure the crash site. Reaching the area, a scan showed evidence of recent construction in the area, which is far from the nearest UAC colony. Soon afterwards your ship was struck by a ground-to-air missile. Somebody managed to put out a garbled distress call as the ship went down. Grabbing your pistol and a parachute, you made it to the nearest escape hatch and jumped... Still no sign of the rest of your group. Strong cross-winds seperated the survivors. You've landed in some sort of open courtyard in the middle of a large complex of buildings. Taking cover in the monument in the middle of the courtyard, you remove your parachute and draw your gun. Footsteps echo across the gravel. Something tells you that this isn't the UAC coming to rescue you. Arming your pistol, you step out of cover and prepare for the worst... ============================================================================ Cygnus IV comprises of 14 levels :- 01 The Park This is where you start after being shot down. Eventually you will find a guarded lift that will carry you down to the sewers. 02 The Sewers Find all the levers to open your way out of here. 03 The Treatment Plant A quick run through the treatment plant and find the lift to get you back to the surface again. 04 The Settling Tanks It seems some of your friends came down here. Corpses litter the area. Make the bastards pay! You can escape through a drop that leads to a system of pipes... 05 The Pipes Find your way through a labyrinth of claustrophobic pipes and make your way into the factory. 06 The Factory The sewage is being used in some sort of experimental manufacturing process. Shut down the plant (permanently). Just walk into the production line and blast away with your rocket launcher... 07 The Warehouse There's enough equipment here for an invasion force... 08 The RailHead Kill the guards hiding in the train and find the key that will let you out through the tunnel. And stop the imps dissecting your friend in the quarantine car! 09 The Subway A maze of interconnecting tunnels lies under the surface of the alien base. Find a subway station you can escape from. 10 The City Battle your way block by block through this architect's nightmare. Avoid the fortified roadblocks to reach the centre, where you find a cathedral dedicated to gods who's names you can't even pronounce! HINT: Don't try to kill everything. The larger monsters manning the roadblocks should be left alone to conserve your ammo. 11 The Cathedral Destroy the guardian of the holy relics, and find the secret passage that leads out under the city... 12 The Tunnels Find your way out under the city and into the area beyond. 13 The Living Maze At first you think you're just disorientated after getting shot at all day, but soon you come to realise that this maze is adjusting itself to foil your attempts to escape it! 14 The Finale A grand showdown beyond the maze. Destroy the cyberdemon that guards the gates, and get the hell out of here! =======================TRANSMISSION=ENDS====================================