================================================================ Filename : MADDUKE.RTS Author : Ian Morris Email Address : nc005769@newcol.demon.co.uk Misc. Author Info : Due to the temperamental despotism of the network supervisor, mail access is regularly removed due to 'abuse of the system' by students. If your messages don't seem to be getting through, flame paulbrn@newcol.demon.co.uk... Description : This is an RTS file based on the default Duke VOC files. I've filled the 10 RTS slots with some catchy phrases made by cutting and pasting parts of the originals with GoldWave. Slots where I couldn't think of anything are filled with unmodified sounds. What could be better in a Dukematch game than Duke running around singing Born to be Wild? Play the messages with Alt-F1 to F10; you don't have to be in multiplayer. The Lord Cutteth and the Lord Pasteth Away... Usage : Either use setup, or, for single player, type: duke3d madduke.rts at the DOS prompt. ================================================================ * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: