@SCENARIO @width=440 @title=%STRING0 ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 Much has changed in the last eighteen months. Violent coups and fundamentalist uprisings have swept most of the the third world, notably the expantionist Brazilian, Central African, and pan-Islamic regimes. NATO has dissolved and a new, isolationist 'Fortress Europe' has become a reality, as a revitilized Communist Russia has taken to the war path. Around the world, the camps are arming as all sides prepare for battle, America tries to erect a hasty ballistic missile defense and the fallout shelter business enters its most lucritive days since the sixties. The world is a mess. As President of the United States, it is your self-appointed job to clean it up, this time for good. You must lead the peace-loving United States to the CONQUEST OF THE ENTIRE WORLD! @end -- this line must be here!