"Pax Americana" A bit of alternate history for the aggresssively inclined. CONTENTS ---------------- 1.0 Files Included 1.1 Installation 2.0 Objectivives 2.1 Historical backround 2.2 Notes on military deployments 2.3 A note about the AI 3.0 The altered tech tree 3.1 The Laser 3.2 Stealth 3.3 Jet Propultion 3.4 Space surveillance 3.5 AirLand Warfare 3.6 Space Flight 4.00 New/altered units 4.05 Alterations to the Infantry 4.10 Alterations to the Navy 4.15 Alterations to the Air Force 4.20 Jet Fighter 4.25 Jet Bomber 4.30 Stealth Helicopter 4.35 M-1 Brigade 4.40 MRLS Launcher 4.45 Nuclear Sub 4.50 Spy Sattelite 4.55 Nuclear-Tipped Cruise Missile 4.60 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile 4.65 Commandos 5.0 Rules.txt idiosycrasies 5.1 Copyright 1.0 Files Included ------------------------------ README.TXT you're reading it RULES.TXT contains altered rules/units/techs UNITS.GIF contains altered unit icons CATAPULT.WAV the sound fx for the MRLS Launcher SWRDHORS.WAV the sound fx for M-1 Brigade/Commandos PAX.SCN the main scenario file PAX.TXT the scenario description 1.1 Installation ------------------------------ To run this scenario, first move PAX.* to whatever directory you keep scenarios in. Then make backup copies of CIV2\RULES.TXT, CIV2\UNITS.GIF, CIV2\SOUND\SWRDHORS.WAV, and CIV2\SOUND\CATAPULT.WAV. This scenario uses altered forms of those files. When you've made backups, copy *.wav into CIV2\SOUND and copy RULES.TXT and UNITS.GIF into your CIV2 directory. Then load up Civ2 and load the scenario. 2.0 Objectives ------------------------------ The objective is quite simple. Conquer the world. There are ~140 "objective" cities in the scenario, and a decisive victory is defined as the capture of all of them-- or when the game tells you you've conquered the world. 2.1 Historical backround ------------------------------ This scenario is based on the real world, but has enough deviancies that it's also an excercise in alternate history. Certain unlikely things-- such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky taking over Russia and getting a sex change, Britain defending Hong Kong with nuclear missiles, a unified European Union, and a "Pan-Islamic regime", are all built in to make things more interesting. 2.2 Notes on military deployments ----------------------------- The military situation was designed to represent several things: - inflated, conscript Russian and Chinese armies - small but effective Japanese, European, and British forces - the pettiness of the "Barbarians" - a highly trained, technologically advanced, and well deployed American military, supported by nuclear weapons and carrier battle groups. - The Muslim-U.S. situation, which should end up in a quick American con- quest of the Middle East 2.3 A note about the AI ----------------------------- As Brian Reynolds put it, when the AI has nukes it tends to get 'uppity'. Beware of nuclear war, it will happen in this scenario. 3.0 The altered tech tree ---------------------------- To make more military units possible and to stabilize the game, I've altered the techs a bit... 3.1 The Laser ---------------------------- This tecnology has only two purposes in this scenario-- to allow the Americans, and no one else, to build SDI Defense, and to serve as a prerequisite for Composite Materials, (reserved for the Americans), and ultimately Stealth and AirLand Warfare (also reserved for the Americans). So, since everyone must get use of nuclear power and mass production, the prerequisites of The Laser have been changed to Atomic Theory and Steam Engine, and removed form everyone's list of advances, to prevent the proliferation of The Laser. 3.2 Stealth --------------------------- This advance is exclusively American, as is one of its prerequisites, Composite Materials. The other, Jet Propultion, is ubiquitous. Allows Stealth Bomber, Stealth Fighter, Stealth Helicopter 3.3 Jet Propusion --------------------------- First used by late-WWII Nazi Germany, jet-propelled aircraft have served as the mainstay of the World's air forces up to the present day. Long ranged, powerful, and versatile, jet aircraft have also served as the backbone of a thriving commercial airline industry. Allows Jet Bomber, Jet Fighter, Helicopter, Rocketry (with Miniaturization) and Combined Arms (with Mobile Warfare) 3.4 Space Surveillance -------------------------- Soon after the dawn of Space Flight, the espionage agencies of the major powers recognized the usefulness of super-high resolution cameras and other devices that could bring back detailed physical intelligence without risk of deportation, international incident, or interception. By the 1980's spy sattelites could purportedly read license plates from space, bringing the 'eye-in-the-sky' myth to reality. Allows: Spy Sattelite 3.5 AirLand Warfare --------------------------- Beginning in the early 70's and drawing upon intelligence gained from the use of combined arms and mobile armored warfare in the 1973 Yom Kipper (sp?) war, the US Army began to develop a new tactical doctrine of violent attack for a future war. Using the new armored vehicles and high tech weapons then only in development, this newest evolution of blitzkrieg theory would eventually win the 1991 Gulf War in 100 hours with less than fewer than 150 casualties. Allows: M-1 Brigade 3.6 Space Flight --------------------------- This tecnology has not changed much, except that it is far more critical for weapons use, mostly because it combines rocketry with computers, and is in fact intertwined with the science of making ICBMs. Allows: MRLS Launcher, ICBM, Nulear-tipped Cruise Missile, Cruise Missile SS Structural, Environmentalism (With Recycling), Space Surveillance (with Espionage), Plastics (With Refining) 4.00 new/altered units --------------------------------- Since there are no ancient units in this scenario, there is room for some more modern, and postmodern ones. There are several units that represent as great a jump from mere modern as gunpowder represents from ancient warfare. 4.05 minor alterations to the infantry --------------------------------- Fanatics 4/4/1 3/1 Toughens up Muslim defense Marines 9/6/1 2/1 Paratroops 7/5/1 2/1 Mech. Inf. 6/6/3 3/2 Toughens up all defense by x2 4.10 minor alterations to the navy ---------------------------------- Destroyer 6/4/6 3/1 Cruiser 7/6/5 3/2 AEGIS Cruiser 9/8/5 3/3 4.15 minor alterations to the air force ----------------------------------- Stlth Ftr. 9/4/14(1) 3/3 Stlth Bomber 16/6/12(2) 3/3 Cruise Msl. 20/0/6(3) 1/3 simulates vulnerability to interception 4.20 Jet Fighter (F-22 Icon) ------------------------------------ 7/3/14(1) 2/2 Cost: 80 Requires Jet Prop. ubiquitous around the world in the form of exported MiG-21s and F-16s, these sturdy units are valuable in any situation, especially for thier ability to destroy large numbers of soft targets, such as partisans foolish enough to come into the open. makes fighter obsolete 4.25 Jet Bomber (B-52 Icon) ----------------------------------- 14/4/12(2) 2/3 Cost: 140 Requires Jet Prop. These are in the best tradition of the strategic city-levelers of WWII. Designed to turn Russia into a puddle of radioctive obsidian, these bombers leveled Hanoi in 1972 in the Linebacker II offensive, in spite of the best SAM air defense system in the world. Makes Bomber obsolete 4.30 Stealth Helicopter (Comanche (Apache?) Icon) ----------------------------------- 14/6/10(0) 3/3 Cost: 140 Requires Stealth These versatile units are useful both as tank-killers in official conflicts and commando-killers in unofficial ones. Versatile and hard hitting, they are usually the first in and the last out of most conflicts. They are a signifcant improvement over their Vietnam-era predecessors. Makes Helicopter obsolete 4.35 M-1 Brigade (M-1 Icon) ------------------------------------- 14/8/4 4/3 Cost: 140 Requires AirLand Warfare Using a revolutionary new armor made of a mix of ceramics, steel, other metals and depleted uranium, and driven by a helicopter engine, the M-1 is the fastest, most powerful tank on the battlefield, a quantum leap over more conventional Russian and European designs. Nicknamed "Whispering Death" for its shocking performance in NATO excercises, it proved itself to be in a class all its own in battles with russian-designed Iraqi T-72s in battles such as those at 73 Easting. Makes Armor obsolete 4.40 MRLS Launcher (Rocket-launcher truck icon) ------------------------------------- 15/3/3 3/3 Cost: 90 Requires Space Flight Rockets have long been in competition with guns for usefulness as artillery; rocket batteries were actually installed on sailing ships in the old Royal navy for a while. In more modern times, computer software has greatly increased the accuracy and deadliness of the rocket artillery used in many nations since WWII. Though vulnerable, MRLS launchers can provide relatively cheap firepower for an attack. makes Howitzer obsolete 4.45 Nuclear Sub (Submerged submarine w/periscope icon) -------------------------------------- 10/7/6 3/3 Cost: 100 Requires Nuclear Power In both World Wars, submarines had to rely on lead-acid batteries for power while submerged, and so dives were cramped, stuffy, slow, brief, and deadly. In addition, range was severely limited by the limited supply of diesel fuel. With the advent of Nuclear Power in the 1950s, all that changed as submarines could remain submerged indefinately, operating thousands of miles away from the nearest supply ship. In the early '60s, this capability was mated with the new Nuclear Missiles to produce a deadly deterrent. makes submarine obsolete 4.50 Spy Sattelite (Eye-in-the-sky icon) ---------------------------------------- 0/0/40(9) 1/1 Cost: 160 Requires Space Surveillance The ultimate peeping tom, spy sattelites spend their entire time in space photographing and rephotographing the Earth. If something happens in the world, a spy sattelite is likely to catch it on candid camera within the hour... 4.55 Nuclear-tipped Cruise Missile (White cruise missile icon) ------------------------------------------ 99/0/6(3) 1/1 Cost: 80 Requires Space Flight, Nuclear Fission. With computer guidance, a rocket or jet engine, and a nuclear warhead, this dirt cheap doomsday weapon opens up horrifying new applications of tactical nukes, which are now practical for use on any two units in the modern world. 4.60 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (Large missile icon) ----------------------------------------- 99/0/40(2) 1/1 Cost: 240 Requires Space Flight, Nuclear Fission Though extremely expensive, ICBMs, especially when launched from a forward positioned nuclear sub, are capable of systematically dstroying entire continents in a single turn. 4.65 Commandos (Guy shooting uzi from hip icon) ----------------------------------------- 8/5/1 2/2 Cost: 100 Requires Combined Arms Though founded by the British during WWII, Commandos only really came into their own during low-intensity conflicts during the Cold War, and as paratroops or marines in late-20th century military operations such as the 1982 Falklands War. Makes Marines and Paratroops obsolete 5.0 Rules.txt idiosycracies (sp?) ------------------------------------ This Rules.txt contains a few of my little rule-changes or screw-ups. All irregularities are harmless. You may find that Civ II games make up a lare part of world trade. no matter. The spy sattelites have Bill Gates effigies in them.. oh well. Wonder costs are off-- doesn't matter, they're already built. Fundamentalism/Communism can now support more units. I did that on purpose. Hoover Dam is made obsolete by environmentalism. This relects reality in my humble opinion. 5.1 Copyright -------------------------- I made this scenario solo without benefit of artistic ability or microphone. Therefore, I borrowed extensively for icons and sound effects from various uncopyrighted scenarios, and the Civ2 game package. I assume his is legal, since all borrowed items are being used for very different applications-- and I'm not making any money. Copright 1996 Brian Dunstan. You can distribute this however you like as long as all files are included and nothing is charged besides distribution and/or connect time.