PIGDRONE version 1.0 Beta version 1.0 By Jim Donovan 08-07-96 Synopsis: This program permanently changes the main Duke Nukem 3D data file(DUKE3D.GRP) using a search and replace method to change nearly all enemies to pigcops, drones, or a combo of both. There is a random aspect to this in that additional ammo and health is added according to a random number. It does not change sharks, greenslimes, or recons as I felt that they are critical to the atmosphere of the game. How to run: The file must be in your Duke3D directory. Make sure you have a backup of the GRP file! To undo the program you just have to copy the original GRP file back into the directory. Caveats: Sometimes you may stumble across a messed-up texture. This should not effect gameplay. If you cannot play though a level due to damage from the program, let me know. This is the very first working version of the program and I have not researched which monsters are "necessary" yet. AAnother thing to be wary of is that if you "extract" the changed maps into the same directory they will effect the game EVEN IF YOU COPY THE ORIGINAL GRP BACK!(Don't ask me how.) Legal Stuff: Use this program at your own risk. Myself and 3D Realms Software are not responsible for any problems you may have i.e. don't call them, just reinstall the program if you have to! It does not work on the shareware version. Duke Nukem 3D is a registered trademark of 3D Realms Entertainment. The author: I'm 34 and work as a Tech for an alarm company. Taught myself C but have been programming in some form for over 15 years. This is freeware but I'd appreciate Email and any cash you'd like to throw my way :) Jim Donovan 75 Union ST Manchester, CT 06040 Email: JDonvn@GNN.COM Others program by me, myself, and I: SARGE 1.3 for DOOM MWUSRS 1.2 for Windows 3.1 Thanks to Jimmy Kaminski for playtesting.