BRIDGE CREW ============================================================================ Welcome to BRIDGE CREW and the world of co-operative computer assisted science fiction roleplaying. If you enjoy simulations, multi-player games, or want something really different to jazz up a sci-fi role-playing game, then this may be for you. Bridge Crew is a shareware program which allows you unlimited use. (you are never "required" to register (though the registered version is heaps better and enables you to design your own ships). The program simulates the bridge of a starship, with each player controlling one or more of the ship's functions. Each player has their own terminal from which they can call up reports on different ship's functions, access the ship's computer, and perform functions unique to their job. Positions include Helm, Beam, Comms, Missiles, Engineering, Damage Control, Science, Security, Shields, Tactical & Computer Officer. There is also a Captain (of course). He doesn't use a terminal. He requests his info from the players, makes the decisions, and then issues his orders. A tactical bent helps. (The developers of the game were Star Fleet Battles players). There is also a "main screen" that shows a tactical representation of space around the player's ship & gives readouts of course, speed, shield strength, any important damage, etc. You also need a Game Master (called the GM) with their own terminal. This person controlls the other ships in the game, using a special set of commands that allow her or him to set the tactics used, and the sort of actions they will perform. The accompanying ZIP file has everything you need in it. There is a large amount of documentation. Read through the material; sure there is a lot, but a good game needs a bit of work. Have a go at installing it and mail me at JAGUAR@WERPLE.MIRA.NET.AU if you have trouble. Persevere with it and it will pay off with hours of enjoyment. To run Bridge Crew you need a 386DX-33 or better running DOS 5 or higher. (Earlier versions of DOS have not been tried.) This gives you the main machine. You also need player terminals. These can be "smart" computers running terminal emulation software (supplied) or real RS-232 terminals. These connect to the serial ports of the main machine. If you have the standard 2 serial ports, you can connect more terminals by using the special daisy-chaining terminal software enclosed. Have a ball! Dave Readman, for Mithril Software. Bridge crew(TM) is authored by Robert Cox.