Many chess-playing programs are intimidating for beginners, even at the easiest level, because they have a large opening book and can calculate dangerous combinations far beyond the analytic powers of most beginners. At its basic level, CLUELESS has absolutely no tactical or strategic sense, and no opening library. CLUELESS simply selects a move at random from the universe of legal moves. This makes it easy to beat, although it can still snap up the occasional hung piece and make surprisingly agressive raids. CLUELESS randomly selects the light or dark men for itself. Moves are accomplished with mouse clicks. You can click first on the man to move or first on the target square. If a move can be specified by one click, CLUELESS will make that move immediately. Otherwise it waits for the second click. The target for an EN PASSANT capture is the pawn to be captured. The target for castling is the king's ending square. Pawn promotion is automatic to a queen (I'm aware there's a famous problem that requires the passed pawn to be promoted to a knight). Check against the human side is announced. The touch-move rule is in effect. You can exit a game by pressing the ESC key. The current release includes a second level of difficulty, designated DUMBER. In DUMBER mode, the program examines all of its possible moves and chooses the one that gives it the highest number of attacks. It will usually open with the king's pawn and then bring out the queen. It can't see how you might respond to its move, so it will hang pieces with abandon. The third level of difficulty in the current release is called DUMB. At this level, the program anticipates your possible answers to its moves and tries to conserve its attacking resources. It is much less likely to hang a piece, and you'll often need a two-move combination to beat it. A more precise analysis of your possible answers adds power to the PATZER level. The TORTOISE level looks ahead to its second move, and your possible answers to the second move are analyzed in the INFINITY level. If you try to play one of the upper levels with anything slower than a Pentium-class processor, you'll see that this level of analysis requires a lot of work for your computer. Intermediate-level players will normally play stronger moves in less time than a computer that uses "brute-force" analysis. The human player will consider only a tiny fraction of the possible moves, using judgment to quickly eliminate certain lines of play. This program calculates every possible outcome, but only as far ahead as time permits. To beat the program, practice looking further than two moves ahead! CLUELESS is written in PowerBASIC 3.0 and compiled for an 8086 processor or higher. It should run on any version of DOS or WINDOWS. It requires a VGA monitor and a mouse. THE RULES OF CHESS Chess is normally a contest between two players who alternate moves across a board of 64 alternating light and dark squares. A light-colored square should be in each player's lower right corner. One player moves the light men and the other moves the dark men. The object is to capture the opponent's king. By convention, the king is never actually removed from the board; instead, we say "Checkmate" to indicate that the king cannot avoid capture on the next move (this is a corruption of the Persian saying "Shah mat!" meaning "the king is dead!"). It is considered polite to say "Check!" when threatening the opponent's king. Some players will also warn you when attacking your queen. The player with the light-colored men goes first. Captured men are removed from the board. In the beginning, the men are placed on the two "ranks" closest to the player who will move those men. The rank closest to you has the eight "pieces" and the second rank has the eight "pawns". There are four empty ranks between your men and the opponent's men. The order of the pieces as seen from the light-colored player's side of the board is: ROOK KNIGHT BISHOP QUEEN KING BISHOP KNIGHT ROOK THE MOVES PAWN moves only away from the player along its own "file" cannot jump over or capture a man directly in its path can move one or two squares on its first move can move only one square after its first move may capture opponent's man diagonally one square ahead to left or right (the pawn is the only man that captures differently from its normal move) if opponent's pawn moves two squares to land beside your pawn, you can capture opponent's pawn exactly as though it had moved only one square, but only on your next move (this move goes by the French name EN PASSANT which means "in passing") if your pawn reaches the opposite side of the board, you may replace it with any piece of your color, regardless of how many of that piece you have on the board ("pawn promotion") KNIGHT moves two squares in any direction and then one at right angles, always landing on a different color from its starting square; a knight in the center attacks eight squares captures enemy man by landing on its square when moving as above may jump over any man (the only man that can jump) BISHOP moves diagonally, any number of squares, always staying on the same color captures as it moves cannot jump over any man ROOK moves on the ranks and files in a straight line any number of squares captures as it moves cannot jump over any man QUEEN moves like a bishop or like a rook at player's option on each turn captures as it moves cannot jump over any man KING moves one square in any direction with several limitations cannot move into check, nor can player leave own king in check captures as it moves cannot jump over any man once in the game, before king has made another move, it can move two squares towards one of the rooks ("CASTLING"); the rook, which must not have been previously moved, goes on the same move to the square the king passed over; no man can stand between king and rook before the move; king cannot castle out of check nor castle over a square attacked by enemy man, nor, of course, castle into check; this is the only move by which you can shift two of your pieces in one turn THE GAME ENDS when one player is in check and cannot get out on the next move, the opponent wins when a player not in check has no legal move, the game is drawn ("STALEMATE") when the same position occurs three times in a game, with the same player to move each time, the game is drawn ("by repetition") after fifty consecutive moves by each player during which there has been no capture and no pawn move, the game is drawn ("fifty move rule") [end]