============================================================================== Title : Judas24 (v1.0) Filename : judas24.bsp Author : Brian Vannatta Email Address : vannatta@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu Misc. Author Info : Co-author of the Igor Series and the Danzig Series for DOOM2 Deathmatch; author of the Judas Series for DOOM2 Deathmatch. Author of harm1.map for Duke3D Dukematch. Judas24 is my first Quake level. Description : Judas24 is based on my judas23.wad (for DOOM2 deathmatch) and represents the last level in the Judas Series for either DOOM2 OR Quake. I have designed this level to be used with Avatar's deathmatch 3 QuakeC patch (included). (See below for more details.) Additional Credits to : Gid (grecni@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu) - As always, much thanks to Steve. Timinator (timinatr@dallas.net) - Thanks to Tim for ideas on entity placement throughout the level and for playtesting. Avatar - Thanks to Avatar for the use of his excellent deathmatch 3 QuakeC patch, and for Quake editing/engine tips. From #deathmatch on the IRC: - Billiard - rj - duke - Deth - Gripp - Dweller - spam - Yyzden - Psycho - Scaryname - Void - and of course, Tower The Reaperbots - These things simply kick ass! id Software - Once again, thanks for a great game! ============================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Quakematch 2-16 Player : YES (4-8 players recommended) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : judas23.wad for DOOM2 Editor(s) used : Quest - 99% THRED - 0.5% Worldcraft - 0.5% Known Bugs : please report any to vannatta@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this MAP * somewhere in the world * Pleasant Notes * Judas24 is intended for use with a DEATHMATCH 3 QuakeC patch! I've included Avatar's deathmatch 3 patch, but any other similar patch will suffice. If you don't have a deathmatch 3 patch (how could you not if you have the judas24.zip file?), the deathmatch 2 setting that's built into Quake is the next best thing. In creating Judas24 I learned that Quake DOES have limitations; please forgive any choppiness on slower computers. However, Quake also has many more capabilities than DOOM did, and it's those capabilities that have allowed me to transform judas23.wad into the level I originally wanted it to be. Hopefully you'll not only recognize Judas23's basic form in Judas24, but also appreciate the full third dimension that Judas23 lacked. I've really attempted to remain faithful to Judas23's original look - hence the dark, claustrophobic atmosphere & the wide open sky above. In any case, Judas24 should promote intense matches for 4-8 players. I've tried to create a level that will play decently in both LAN and TCP/IP games, but I would say that LAN games will probably be a more enjoyable experience in Judas24 compared to TCP/IP games. Also, due to Quake's flexibility through the console, I've followed id's example in their DM series of levels and left an exit out of Judas24. Finally, sixteen info_player_deathmatch starts are present in Judas24, so even in 16-player carnage few unfair telefrags should occur. To use the included deathmatch 3 QuakeC patch, do the following: 1) make a directory called \DMATCH3 in your \QUAKE directory (it must be parallel to the \ID1 directory) 2) unzip the contents of DMATCH3.ZIP into the \DMATCH3 directory 3) to use deathmatch 3 mode, start Quake like this: quake.exe +deathmatch 3 -game DMATCH3 -listen - Note: You can also type DEATHMATCH 3 from the Quake console before you start Judas24 (or you can restart Judas24 after you've initiated the deathmatch 3 mode from the console). Thanks for playing Judas24 - enjoy!