Mix '97 2nd part or Mix96 (don't ask me about the title, it just sounds cool). Made By - Alex Email: Defienc@ibm.net DefianceX on #Quake (IRC) What's New in this version ========================== You might not even heard about the first version of this patch but here is your chance to redeem yourself =). This patch is basically the same as before BUT i added two new features... The cool multiskin patch, which i slightly altered.. but still has the cool skins still there, hehe.. And to appreciate the new skins, even in single player you now have that great Chase Camera patch included.. Also new is the FlameThrower.. xcept i made mine look like a rocket launcher instead of the grenade launcher.. tell me if you don't like it.. it's all the same to me.. I didn't have much time to update this readme very much so i'll just say that the forware and some other parts are basically the same as before (for all you peoplez that missed the first ver.=) ============ Introduction ============ Once upon a time i was playing quake (my favorite game) but i got bored real fast.. not because of the game play.. not so much bored of what it was.. but of what it wasn't.. it was missing something.. i couldn't quite put my finger on it.. then it hit me.. it wasn't realistic enuff.. so i loaded up that solid-monster patch.. temporary relief but still .. so i loaded up the spike patch.. then i got fed up cuz i couldn't load more than one patch at a time.. so i rolled up my sleeves (figuratively) and i started to work on this patch. Back then, i didnt' know much about quake c, or even regular c/c++, but i figured it can't be that bad.. well i guess it wasn't.. i mean i'm still here.. i still have (most) of my hair.. bout 5 % of my nerves left.. but that's all i need to enjoy my patch.. i was thinking.. all these great people, and all their great ideas, their great levels, patches, etc.. i felt like i was takeing and not giving back.. so this is only a small contribution to pay all these people back with.. Well anyways.. i started making this patch for fun and i ended up learning quake c a bit (don't ya hate it when that happens?). ========== What it is ========== This is a so called Combo Patch.. it's basically a collection of ready made patches that i edited and put together into one. Not Much new. I take no credit for makeing that stuff happen (i just take credit for putting it together =). This is the stuff i put togehter Solid Monster Patch - That's where you can gib dead bodies not gibbed yet Spike Patch - That's where your nails stay around (adds to the Realism) Eject Shells Patch - That's where your shotgun(s) spit out shells, helps to add to the game. Teleporter Patch - That's where you can teleport almost everything (rockets, grenades, nails, etc) Grappling Hook - Great Add-On, let's you "hang around" (saw that one coming.. ) Throw Axe Patch - Yet Another Great Add On that's makes the axe useful NEW - Flame Thrower - The famous flame thrower has a new home in my patch =) NEW - Chase Camera - This patch alone was one of the great quake mods, when it's in my mod along with other great patches.. it's even better! NEW - Multiskins - 19 skin patch with only about 3 changed.. the pointless ones are gone.. sorry.. lemme know if you REALLY REALLY miss em =) =============== How to Enjoy it =============== Depending on which version you have, it's could be as easy as unzipping and playing or as complicated as unzipping (with "-d" ) then you'd compile it first.. There are two versions: the Pak file one.. where it's all nice and neat in one file, ready out of the can, or the source version, where you have to compile it first.. the later version, has the source codes for the whole thing, including the wavs, and mdl files needed to run it... Note: THE SOURCE VERSION DOES not HAVE THE PLAYER.MDL, WHO KNOWS YOU MIGHT HAVE IT ALREADY.. WHY D/L IT AGAIN, OR MAYBE YOU WANNA D/L SOME TIME ELSE. I did it in these two version for obvious reasons.. well you might have have a 2400 modem (it happens) and you wanna save every second, so then you d/l the source version.. you just have to compile it.. or you just might wanna mess around with my patch. If you don't have the patience (or you don't know how to), you could d/l it ready to play.. it's up to you.. which ever flavor you prefer.. =) ========== Running it ========== When you have the neccessary files (pak0.pak or progs.dat) unzip all the file(s) into a directory inside the quake directory and the just run it like: "quake -game " remember, quake command line is case sensitive that means that the "-game" must be in lowercase (that's for all you people who accidently hit caps lock and didn't even notice =) ===== Bugs ===== No one is perfect.. and i am no exception.. some of the bugs i notices are that you can't really select the axe normally.. you can cycle thru it (till you get to it) or you can wait till you run outta ammo and throwing axes, (what have you been doing?), but you can't just pick it. Also i'm real sorry for the people that like E2M1, for some strange (unknown to me) that level crashes when loading with my mod, this also happened also in the first ver. Unfortunately, i have no idea what's wrong.. or how to fix it.. if you have any ideas.. pleez tell me, so we can make this mod even better. BTW, it complains about edicts, "Error: ED_Alloc: no free edicts". I know what this means (it's trying to spawn too many edicts, which ones i dunno =( I tried every other level, including the DM levels, they all work great. Other than that.. i can't think of any.. email me if you find any. i'll (hopefull get someone else to) fix em.. =) ====== Credit ====== As i said, i didn't make this stuff up.. i just put it together.. these are the people that really made it happen: (their txt files are included) -Jason Carter "Killer_3D" on IRC killer3d@mindspring.com For the wonderful gibbin3 patch -Jeff Epler(jepler@inetnebr.com, Synger on IRC (linuxnet and undernet, primarily) For the great Solidmn4 patch - Charlie Zimmerman email: czimmerm@cyberenet.net http://www.cyberenet.net/~czimmerm/quake.html For the cool spike patch. -B. K. Adams aka "El Mariachi" & "Demon" email: kulthari@ix.netcom.com For the Awesome Teleporter Patch - "Mike" For the superb grappling hook -Rob Albin For the impressive Camera patch -email: albinatr@apci.net which includes the multiskin code -last but not certainly not least: Email: wedge@nuc.net choryoth@nuc.net Visit Quake Command: http://www.nuc.net/quake QC Code (ThrowAxe/Eject/FlameThrower) - Wedge Throwing Axe/Shell MDL - Choryoth For the EXCELLENT Throwing Axe, Eject Patch, and Flame Thrower. There seems to be no stopping these guys =) -And none of this would have been possible with out the guys at IDSOFTWARE. visit them at http://www.idsoftware.com and ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com (if you dont' know bout that then i don't know what you are doing with this.. =) As for me.. i'd love to hear from all of you. i am solely to thank/blame for putting this patch together.. Well maybe if someone helps me figure out why E2M1 crashes, i'll fix that.. i hope i hope.. I was hoping to find out how to make a camera patch to see thru another players eyes, as in teamplay, see your team members view, and in coop, to see your buddy's "progress". Maybe next time i'll write a more organized (eww!) readme, with that cool template, i dont' care much for organization, but the template rules, hehe i believe in: "A Clean Desk is a sign of a SiCk mInD!!" One thing I REALLY REALLY wanted to do is to put the reaper bot source in my patch (bet i'm not the first). i would absolutely flip out but i doubt Steven Polge would let me use his source =( Dare 2 Dream..