THIS CAN BE USED WITH REGISTERED QUAKE ONLY!! WHAT THIS IS: This is my FINAL modification of the original, by Jeff Epler, who did an **EXCELLENT** job with it BTW. made the monsters solid, and gibbable after death. This file is basically, with is an updates that do the following: 1: The bounding boxes of the monsters are now realistic. ie. you can walk across them, instead of having to jump over them. I play tested every single monster for this. (LOTS OF WORK!) 2: Related to #1, bodies can now pile up on each other. Neat effect when when you have a pile of dead bodies, and you shoot a grenade into it. (Boom, splatter!) 3: Lowers the amount of health (for monsters AFTER death), 4: Way more gibs, (Especially zombies) 5: Different gib combinations for different monsters. (After Death) 6: Crucified zombies can be killed. (Borrowed from Zombie.qc, from Jeff Epler is gonna have some WAY cooler stuff than this later. Be warned! ********************************************************************** (NOTE: I am just beginning to learn this powerful language, so I can't take any credit for doing any of the "real" coding in the file. All of the complicated stuff was made, again, by: Jeff Epler(, Synger on IRC (linuxnet and undernet, primarily))25 July 1996 ********************************************************************* WHAT THIS DOES: Now, after you kill a monster, walk over to it. Take out your axe, and chop it to pieces! My personl favorite is shooting the nailgun into the body, and watching the bloody pieces of meat fly :) Monsters are solid, and gibbable. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE: (Taken from the original solidmon.txt file!!!!!!!!!) I haven't tackled the player object. I was also thinking of adding agib-and-teleport effect when a player gets his new body. But I don't dmmuch, and am afraid of breaking something.The fish and tarbaby are just like before. They don't have gib animations and are written a little different. Besides, I haven't played far enoughto run into them yet.The bodies themselves stay the same between death and gibbed-to-pieces.It'll be this way unless somebody designs models with arms, legs, etc chopped off. A tall order. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOW TO TRY THIS OUT: This file includes the PROGS.DAT file you need to run this add-on. Also included is the entire .qc source code, so you can compile and edit these files yourself. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE PROGS.DAT YOURSELF: Get quakec from or get the from Run QCCDOS from the directory where you put the qc files. (i.e c:\games\quake\solid\..\qc\qccdos this will compile all files in \solid) You'll end up withPROGS.DAT in the directory where QCCDOS.EXE resides. Now continue onbelow. IF YOU WANT TO JUST USE THE PROGS.DAT: Make a directory in your quake registered directory (For instance,C:\GAMES\QUAKE) called SOLID. Then copy the PROGS.DAT file into SOLID. Run quake with QUAKE -game solid and go play with the nice little doggies who live on that level. ///////////////////////////////////////// (Taken from the original solidmon.txt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ABOUT THE CODE: I modified the various .qc files, the weapons.qc file, and added jsubs.qc. The idea is this: When a monster dies, don't set it "SOLID_NOT". Instead, set all its actions to nothing, assign a new health number and a new death functionthat gibs the creature. You now have a creature that's solid and destroyable after death. Turn off its FL_CREATURE flag so its death isn't counted twice.In each case, the code added to *_die is about the same for each monster,and the code in *_really_die is very similar to the gib code that was formerly inside _die. Jeff discovered a really neat way to make a monster invincible: Set itDAMAGE_NO. Imagine a monster that's only vulnerable at certain moments, such as when it's about to fire at you ...Quake C seems to not be too difficult to program (though I don't think I can create entities from scratch just yet) and it seems pretty powerful. Having played with this, I just got a lot more impressed about thepossibilities Quake should offer those who are working to extend it withtheir own ideas.THANKS TO id, for the game and all the openness about it. /////////////////////////////////////////////// THANKS TO JEFF FOR LETTING ME USE HIS CODE FOR MY LITTLE GIB NITPICKS! "Killer_3D" on IRC