================================================================ INFORMATION - MAP REQUIRES REGISTERED QUAKE V.1.01 OR HIGHER ================================================================ Title : Slime Ground Filename : tef_sg.map Author : T. H. Johansen (TJ) Email Address : torjoh@alfa.avh.unit.no Description : TJ's sequel to his surprisingly well-recieved Quake map, "Altar of Pain", released in early September (Thanks all!). "Slime Ground" can be played both as a single player and as a multiplayer deathmatch game. Special entities and unique game play features were implemented to suit multiplayer style. The single play mode features 42 monsters, 4 secret areas and an exit. If playing with the Quake CD in drive, the level will be playing track no. 6. Approx playing time: 15 minutes. ------------------------------------------- The story for this level is the following: ------------------------------------------- You come to your senses as in a haze. You barely remember the fatal battle against the demonic Shamblers on the Altar of Pain. But, you think, what is this? Why are you in this twilight shaded room, and what is this smell of death and destruction? As far as you remember back, the IIA promised you a safe return home if you survived the near impossible mission on the Altar of Pain. Yeah, right. As if you could trust these people. Damned them! This really sucks, you mutter in agony and disbelief. Your dazzled mind starts to clear. You shiver in horror as the remorseless truth is starting to get to you. You are not safely at home! The IIA has deserted you...again! Painfully and slowly you grab what is left of your weaponry. Not much, just a pityful tiny single barrelled shotgun. And what's worse, you feel the merciless feeling of impotence when you realize that you are now standing on Slime Ground. Additional Credits to : Id Software, without whom there would be no Quake. Ben Williams for his excellent QuMa v.1.2 Additional Deathmatch gameplay design suggested by Mr. Stig Muren (a friend of mine). ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Slime Ground Single Player : Yes. 42 monsters, 4 secrets and an exit. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No. Deathmatch 1-5 Players : Yes. 5 DM respawn spots. And it's tested too! Awesome. Difficulty Settings : No. Anything else new : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : About 30 hours. Editor(s) used : QuMa v1.2 MS-DOS Editor Qbsp v29, Light and Vis from Id. Wad2 file from the 'net (all registered textures included). Qbsp -verbose build time: 238.0 secs Light -extra build time: 701.0 secs Vis -level 4 build time: 1646.0 secs Platform used : Brick P90 w/16 MB RAM running Win95 and reg. Quake v1.06 Known Bugs : None as far as I know. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level and include it in any compilation etc., as long as you include my text file and give me credit. I would like to be contacted in beforehand, thanks! You may NOT use this as a base for new maps. Create your own, that's much funnier. OK? * Other notes * To load this map, you should do the following: - Put the .bsp file in your /quake/id1/maps/ subdirectory. Note the "maps" subdirectory! This is important, as I've recieved at least a ton of e-mail from people asking about this. The .bsp file is all you need! - From the DOS prompt, type: "quake +map tef_sg" - OR in Quake at the console type: "map tef_sg" (please note the difference!) Do NOT type the quotation marks, of course! There are lots of differences between the deathmatch mode and the single play game in this map. Try both, I think you will like it! Good luck, and don't cheat! * Where to get this MAP * ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites ftp.stomped.com *Archive info* Archive filename: tef_sg.zip Including: tef_sg.bsp (use directly in Quake; see above) tef_sg.txt (this file)