1¾«X*...../**Invasion -ORC DAY** **NOTES: Background. Lord Lothar had the fortress of Algar built on the western shores of great sea. The fortress provides the people of the coast with security from orcish raiding parties from the far distant portal. Guldan has discovered how to create smaller portals for the use of his troops though and his very first is on the volcanic isle of Metzen which is just of the coast of the great fortress. The alliance believes the island poses no threat as it contains no lumber and a very small amount of room to build on. Thus no invasion force could ever be mustered there! Guldans new portal has allowed him to transport vast amounts of troops to the small island. Lumber from other battle front's has been transported through, which has allowed the warlock to create a vast armada. On the shores of Metzen a troop build up has begun... Shibaz the dragon has accompanied Guldan through the portal after the promise that no Griffins can be found in the area. The dwarfs of the north have not reached the great portal yet and so have been able to stock the griffin aviary with egg's yet. With-out air-power Shibaz should be able to feast on roasted human and elf! Shibaz is one of the most power dragons in the realm (excluding deathwing who really hates Guldan and would eat him iven the chance). Cho'gal and Zuljin have also agreed to accompany Guldan in the attack. Cho'gal has brought "fzar" his pet-demon with him. Zuljin has discovered that Elf's from quel'thalas are due to arrive and hold talks with the leaders of the alliance. To destroy them would give rise to his position among the trolls of the clans and strengthen his power base in the horde. The horde has been gathering on Metzen for two days now. Due to the lack of air or sea patrols near the island because of the lethal thermals and underwater reefs the alliance has no-idea of the invasion. Or so Guldan thought till all the Death night's he brought with him exploded killing most of the goblin sappers standing next to them. Arkdow the head mage in the fortress managed to find several traitors in the fortress who told him under the influence of a truth spell that an invasion was imminent. The mage cast a power spell that is blocking the horde from using magic of any sorts. Only Guldan and Cho'gal are powerful enough to remain unaffected. This means the assault has almost no magical support and will have to use troops to get the job done. If the invasion succeeds then the horde can rebuild Algar and use it as a staging post for raids inland to the rich goldmines and pastures beyond the portal. If it fails then many of the hordes best leaders and troops will die in a humiliating defeat that may cause civil war in the clans... **Mission:** KILL ALL ALLIANCE UNITS Information from traitors in the fortress said that the main part of Algar was almost invincible from sea borne attack or invasion. Algar has very thick walls that even a death night can't just decay away. It's only weak point is the island to the right of it that supports it farming community and is were the great north road connects to the fortress. If you can establish a beach head there, then an assault can be mounted on the fortress it's self. The traitors (YELLOW) are being held in a stockade in the middle of Algar if you can break them free they will assist you in the destruction of Algar. In there last report they said that both Lord Lothar and Sir Uther Lightbringer and their personal bodyguard's were meeting the elven and dwarven delegation on the northshire pass to the right of the great fortress beware these units could spell the downfall of the attack if not handled well... **Hints:** Attack the left hand island, defend the NPC's and dragon at all cost's once you get inside the fortress these 4 units will be very dangerous to any building in their way! The six catapults are the key to victory for most of the invasion use them well and you should have at least half you forces left for the big push at the end. **MORE HELP? ONLY READ THIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FAILED ONCE** Use the catapults down the bottom of the fortress on the coastline they will decimate all the defences at the bottom of the main base. Algars sea-defences are out of reach from all naval units. Don't attack them with ships! Blast you way into the middle of the base with the catapults and then use them to mop up the guard towers and then send in the four main NPC's and watch the damage they can do with their magical weapons. Cho'gal and Zuljin can do 100 damage with each hit. Cho' gals Runes spell can really help if used wisely. Guldan is your best weapon. Reasearch death and decay/Raise dead and Whirlwind. These will be very helpful if used well. DON'T just charge you're troops in. They will get massacred. **CREDITS** Playtested by: Matt Allen Steven Patterson Sean Dady Steven Miles Pud and notes by: 3D Stills Team (UK) Matt Allen 100530,232 the most power dragons in the realm (ex€XwXB€—ÿÿ™ÿÿ£ÿÿ¥ÿÿ²ÿÿ´ÿÿ}ÿÿÿÿëÿÿíÿÿúÿÿüÿÿÓÿÿÕÿÿFÿÿHÿÿ ÿÿ¢ÿÿN ÿÿv ÿÿv x ÿÿ† ÿÿˆ ÿÿ¡ ÿÿ£ ÿÿo ÿÿq ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿÿ5ÿÿ7ÿÿCÿÿEÿÿóÿÿõÿÿ•ÿÿ—ÿÿÖÿÿØÿÿ`ÿÿ`bÿÿ½ÿÿ¿ÿÿvÿÿxÿÿ·ÿÿ¹ÿÿÆÿÿÈÿÿØÿÿÚÿÿæÿÿøÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ&ÿÿ(ÿÿ=ÿÿTÿÿTVÿÿXÿÿZÿÿvÿÿxÿÿ·ÿÿ¹ÿÿÆÿÿÈÿÿØÿÿÚÿÿæÿÿøÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ&ÿÿ(ÿÿ=ÿÿTÿÿ Arialnvasion. Or so Guldan thought till all the Death night's he brought with him exploded killing most of the goblin