Turalyon and his men were sent to wipeout the Hellfire Citadel. All- eria, avoiding capture, reported back and has informed us that he was cap- tured along with his best men. The orcs taking prisoners seemed unlikely, when a troll suddenly appeared. Saying nothing, he flung an axe in to the ground where Alleria and the Alliance leaders stood. Suddenly, the troll fled back in to the woods without sound. Attached to the axe was a note. Danath picked it up and stared at it in surpise. The orcs could write in English, even though it was very poor writing. Danath read it aloud. "If you humans are brave enough, then you will come and face my men. Since I think of you as cowards, I will give you a prize: Your courageous Turalyon. If you lose, then he dies, along with the rest of you, as cowards. -Grom Hellscream" Danath crippled the paper and smiled. "Draw steel, boys."