You just downloaded 12 warcraft 2 levels. They are numbered from level01.pud to level12.pud. Please play them in order, and before playing each level read the story that goes with it. The stories have the same name as the scenarios, from level01.txt to level12.txt. Please DO NOT look at the maps with map editor before playing. Trust me, you'll have more fun if you play like I designed the campaign to be played. Here's some information about the campaign scenarios: Most of the maps are 128 by 128. A couple are 96 by 96. The games generally get harder as you go along, with the last battles being the hardest. None are impossibly hard though. If you beat the Warcraft 2 campaigns that came with the game, you should be able to beat all of these without cheating. They start of at about medium difficulty and get harder as you go. VERY IMPORTANT: Please read the text file for each scenario before playing it. EACH TEXT FILE CONTAINS: 1. The name of the scenario. 2. The difficulty level of the scenario. 3. The story for that level. 4. HINTS. At the very end At the very end of each text file are some hints for the level. Most players won't need them, but if you are having trouble beating a scenario they might help. I would suggest not reading the hints until playing the level at least once. When you have beaten level12 read the last text file, level13.txt. It gives the ending. If you want to tell me what you think of the scenarios, e-mail me at Don't just say you like or don't like it, tell me what you like or don't like, so I can fix it in the future. Also you can tell me which scenarios you thought were the most fun. If enough people like this campaign, I might make an orc campaign in the future. So let me know what you think! Have fun!