LORDAERON Difficulty: medium STORY: The war does not go well for the humans. Azeroth has been utterly destroyed. Khaz Modan lies in ruins. Even the mighty elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas is beginning to fall. The only lands which have as of yet withstood the orcish attacks are the island nation of Kul Tiras under Lord Admiral Proudmoore, Alliance Naval Forces Commander, and Lordaeron, under King Teneas, Supreme Commander Alliance Forces. It is feared that in time, even these two nations will fall. After all, the Horde has not yet turned its full attention to them. Brave Dwarven pilots use their Flying Machines to spy on the enemy. They report that the Horde is already powerful beyond belief, and still legions of orcs issue forth from the Dark Portal daily. And yet Lord Teneas believes that the war is not yet hopeless. I will not lie to you, commander. Our chances are slim. But there is still hope. But we need time. Time for our armies, our navies, to gather strength. You are being sent to a town on the edge of the kingdom of Lordaeron. The town, Tarren Mill, lies near the border between Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron. If the orcs have indeed taken Quel'Thalas, Tarren Mill will most likely be their next target. Do not allow it to fall. END OF STORY PRESS PAGE DOWN TWICE TO SEE HINTS (if you can't beat this level). HINTS: This is a relatively easy level. There's not much to say. If you can't beat this one, you won't do well with this campaign. Anyway, here are a few tips: 1. Build cannon towers near the gates. 2. Have knights block the entrances. Put them on STAND GROUND. That way the enemy can't get into your town. 3. Make sure your peasants chopping wood don't open up another path into the town. 4. Build Demolition Squads and send them to blow up the enemy town while you are building up troops. 5. As soon as you have enough troops, attack the enemy town at the bottom right.