Quel'Thalas Difficulty: medium STORY: With your success in destroying the orcish outpost, the land of Lordaeron is once again secure... at least for a time. Lord Teneas has decided that we must begin to attack the foul orcs who have invaded our neighboring land, Quel'Thalas. An orcish settlement has been sighted on the outer edge of Quel'Thalas. It is very close to the human nation of Alterac. The Alliance Council believes that if we destroy this settlement for Alterac, it will help to cement the weak alliance between Alterac and the other nations. for HINTS press pagedown twice HINTS This is another easy one. Build towers near the two ice bridges to kill any troops that try to attack you. Don't worry about building ships. Concentrate on land forces and attack when you have enough troops. Keep an eye on the second mine, near the top of your side. The enemy will try to build a town there. Take it out immediately!