LATEST.TXT ========= Version 1.6 (Aug 96) ========= File | Import will now accept white moves followed by a space as well as followed by a period. While this means that a wider range of formats is acceptable, you sometimes have to be more careful to exclude non-PGN bits before the game moves from the clipboard. There is a new button on the toolbar - a faint double backward arrow. This causes us to go backwards from the current position until one is met with more than one varaiation/game options stored. Typically it's used to get you back to the start of the line in the hope that a different one might be better! Think of it as a stronger form of "go back a move", i.e. a "go back a variation". Minor alterations to the main display include a larger visible area for comments. A second copy of the program is not allowed to run at the same time. You can make the chosen bitmap the subsequent default in Edit | Load Bitmaps. The View menu has a new item to make knights on the left hand side of the board face inwards. File | Print Game gives you a printout of the moves and other details of the game. I had been hoping to include a printout of the board as well, but this has defeated me. I'd be grateful for comments on any problems on your particular printer. Version 1.7 (Oct96) ========= So many minor changes and no chance to send out a 1.6a that I thought we had better advance straight from 1.6 to 1.7. Will it never end? As my friend Uli reported, I still had the ability to produce ambiguous moves. The problem affects the list visible when you press down on a piece, the "last few moves" display and even more seriously the short moves recorded in the DBS file. I hope this is finally cured (and now wonder how I convinced myself that it was cured earlier). Humble apologies! If you have any files affected in this way, the easiest way to correct them is to use a text editor to delete the * character at the end of line 2 of the DBS file and then use the program to load and save the file again. In spite of all my best efforts, I've probably introduced a few bugs, so please tell me of any problems and expect an emergency 1.7a if necessary! I'm told (thanks Steve) that the PGN export wasn't to the strict standard, hopefully it's now pedantically OK. 8 previous files are now recorded (formerly 4). F8 sends the contents of a SIG.TXT signature file for e-mail messages from the DBSCHESS root directory to the clipboard. File | BAK backup files records if you wish to create a single generation back-up of the DBS file each time a game is saved. This preference is recorded in your INI file. Library | Load on Startup can be set to cause the library to be loaded automatically on startup thereafter (until reset) when left "checked". Files can be marked so that they are excluded when the library is created. If DBSCHESS is run with a parameter consisting of a full file name, this file can be a DBS file to be loaded immediately on starting (i.e. as if the filename had been given for File | Open). The option to view the Last Few moves is now saved as a "user preference" in the INI file. Minor bits of tidying ... On loading the library, the hit count for the currrent position is displayed immediately. The cursor is now in the comment area after making a move. Any thoughts on OLE/DDE features have been postponed (sorry Steve) until the next version. Version 1.7a (Dec96) ========= By default a new game is "checked" for exclusion from the Library | Create. There is a new routine for the File | Print Game. I hope that you will agree that this is an improvement (it includes the board position as displayed on the screen). In case there is a problem with some printers, the old routine is retained (for the moment) as File | Print Game (old format). If no problems are reported I'll remove the old method in 1.8. F2 and F3 keys are shortcuts to File | Open & Save respectively. Any comments welcome, please tell me of any problems (they won't go away otherwise). If you want some more example games in DBS format, you can get them from my homepage (see below). All the best - David