Hey, kiddies! You like this program? Well there's more comin' down the road from Satan Head Programming. Here are the Sharewhere programs i'm workin' on right now(i may drop some and i will think up more later): Flip Art: (Windows) The mother of all drawing programs. This cat-daddy is HUGE. It edits multiple files, animates them(really good ways to fine tune your animation), will play a wave file every time it animates, and has these animation controls - play forward, play backwards, do it fast, pause, continuous loop, and single frame forward and backwards. You can have these animations any way you want, any number of frames, any size, and any speed. It has a REALLY cool zoom in window that can zoom in any amount. You can edit the palette. You can edit the SKADS of drawing tools. TONS of usefull options. It can open bitmaps, compressed bitmaps, icons, metafiles, device independent bitmaps and text files. You can save as bitmaps, probably metafiles (i haven't tested that out quite yet), icons, and text files. This baby does so many things i forgot most of them. By the time i'm done with it it'll have many more. I expect to be done with this by winter '96 - '97. Screen Runner: A screen saver that runs a program (like an DOS screen saver (it comes with a few that i made). It's done right now but i just haven't gotten around to distributing it yet. It's Free but shouldn't have any bugs. BAS-Grafx: A graphics, data, and sound program for QuickBASIC. Stores multiple pictures and sounds and data things in one file. It comes with some fast routines for displaying the pictures, making the sounds, and getting the data. Also comes with a program that converts a file into BASIC DATA statements and something that converts .PCX and .WAV files to BASIC usable formats. Fast, efficient, and has a nice easy to use user interface. A must have program for all QuickBASIC programmers. Any other thingies i think up you'll be able to tell, just look for the programs made by SHP. You'll be sure to find all my programs on these Dansville local boards: NightMare On Ossian Street: 716-335-3531 The GIF Store II: 716-669-2073 The Rounsville Zone: 716-335-6986 (this info is current as of some day in July(i think), 1996)