Conversion Buddy Version 3.1 Freeware Copyright (c) 1995 1996 James E. Presley Conversion Buddy (tm) v 3.1 is fully functional freeware. Unrestricted distribution by BBS's, CDROM, and any other legal means is hereby approved by the author. Product Name: Conversion Buddy v 3.0 Mode: Fully Functional and Uncrippled Operating System: Windows 3.1 Written In: Delphi Includes: all files necessary to run, plus context sensitive Windows help file Install: click on INSTALL.EXE Run: Click on Conversion Buddy Icon Uninstall: Click on Uninstall CB Icon Fixes from 2.6: 1. New factors now show up on main screen. 2. Resolution problem creating apparent lockup at certain Windows font settings is fixed. 3. Button captions and control nomenclature conformed to Windows standards. Coming Soon: International Support (decimal instead of commas) DESCRIPTION Conversion Buddy (tm) converts from one unit of measurement to another. As you type in your Convert From unit the window scrolls to it like Windows Help Find. Then double click on a Convert To unit. That's the basic system. Over 1700 conversion factors are included and you can add your own (this is a real database program, add all you want). You can paste results into your working Windows document. Conversion Buddy "spells out" numerical results for text oriented documents. 23.45 can be reported as "twenty three point four five". Results are reported scientifically, with regard to the Rounding Error of the Factor, of the Input Value, and the Result. Help system containing all needed information and Tutorial Included. Freeware. Uploaded by the Author. OK to distribute freely. What makes CB different from its Shareware Competitors? -FREE CB is free with no nags screens or expiration dates. -ACCURACY The conversion systems I've seen report accuracy to many digits, no matter how accurate the Convert From amount -- or how accurate the factor. These systems assume absolute accuracy of the factors (many factors are inexact). One simply can't lop off digits from the result to make it accurate. Conversion Buddy's rounding (known also as "precision") is based on the approach outlined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology SP811 report released last year. Conversion Buddy's help system contains that NIST SP811 section. Convert 36,000 feet to kilometers. CB's result is 11. kilometers(if you set CB to Liberal Rounding it will report 11.0 kilometers).The first answer is reliable. The second delivers a bit more information than is warranted. On the above test other conversion systems in the market uniformly report 10.9728 kilometers (CB does too, if set to "No Rounding"). The result of 10.9728 contains unwarranted and misleading information. Cutting digits off the end doesn't make the answer more accurate -- quite the opposite. Truncating end digits yields a result of 10 when the reliable result is 11. The above is an example. CB calculates the Rounding Error of the factor and the input value and reports the correct answer. And CB is possibly unique in that regard. -ADDING NEW UNITS AND FACTORS On other products, users can't add new units and factors. Add 1 Popeye =4.4567 Blutos to Conversion Buddy. No problem. Or Cups to Gallons. Because one can add what they want, CB is a general purpose conversion tool with application, for homemakers and business people, not just for engineers. Because of CB's database design users can add thousands of conversion factors before a performance change would be noticed. -EASE OF USE Assuming most everyone is like me, people want to convert from a known unit to another known unit. CB's Windows Help Find type of incremental search finds the Convert From unit without the user knowing the category of the unit(Category: Mass. Length, Electricity, and Magnetism, etc.) The user may not know whether "Gram" is Mass or Volume. The user then FINDs and double clicksthe target unit from a list, enters the input data and presses 'OK'. Done. Typically other conversion shareware works like this: First the user FINDs and selects the category the Convert From unit is in to see a list of units in that category. Then the user must FIND and select the Convert From unit in that list, then enter input data. The user presses 'Enter' or a button to convert. The system presents the results for say, thirty different Convert To units although the user wants the value for one. The user then FINDs the target result from a list of thirty unrounded results. We license Conversion Buddy "As-Is". We can offer no warranties whatsoever. We have checked our data and our output, and we shall continue to do so with help from our users. We know of no bugs or erroneous data, but cannot assume any risks if such exist. If you find a bug, please let us know. If you spot some data that isn't right, you can click the Edit Factors button and fix it, then let us know. We will be most appreciative. How to Contact Us Voice: Jim at 423-481-8470 (USA Eastern time Zone) James Presley, Compuserve 75210,2247