Virtual Potter 3D Ver.1.0 - (c)1996 R&N Software Creation ========================================================= Created by : Widyo Rio (Widyo Satrio Oetomo) release date: Nov 96 Virtual Potter 3D is a DOS based application. It is also a public domain software. Which mean you can use it, and distribute it to your friends, or put it on a BBS freely. I have my own goal on this project: to create pottery objects on VRML easier. So anyone could publishing their artistic pottery art in to the world easily. FILES LIST ---------- If you unzipped VRPOT.ZIP, you will have these files on your disk. README.TXT - You've been read this file VRPOT.EXE - Virtual Potter 3D, main programs *.POT - 6 (Six) samples pottery files REQUIREMENT ----------- Hardware : at least 286 PC, with EGA/VGA display monitor. Mouse is an option, but it is recomended. Software : at least DOS 3.3, with Mouse driver if you using Mouse. If you run VRPOT on DOS windows under Win95, Mouse driver is not neccesary. QUICK START ----------- VRPOT is simple. I didn't put too much feature on it. So it's make VRPOT is easy to use. After VRPOT.EXE being executed, it will show you the main menu, and at the right side there is a 2D shape editor area. To start creating pottery object, click on "2D Shaper" item. It will bring us into its 2D Shape Editor. All you have to do now is just drawing the 2D shape by putting arrow pointer into its desired location following by Left Click or pressing Enter key (when you are not using Mouse device). Repeat this for a few more vertexes till' 2D Shape object has been created. At this time VRPOT is limited for only 13 vertexes. It is not because it was Freeware. I have these reason: - It is because I used Array data type for storing 3D vertexes, not Pointer data type which able to growing up dynamically. So I should have decided how many bytes of memory must prepared to hold 2D data -which will be turn on to 3D vertexes- with economically way. - Keep VRML object as simple as it can. It's mean we were recomended to avoid of creating any VRML object too complicated, as using too many vertexes etc. Things like this will affecting VRML Browser performances directly. - By the way 13 is a lucky number isn't it? Do I wrong? :-) The shape which you've created on 2D Shaper, will turn on to 3D Object automatically by rotating it around red line axis on the center of the screen. To viewing 3D Object, from 2D Shaper (shape editor) press Right Click or Esc Key. Select 3D Preview from main menu, and you'll see what you've done in 3D Wireframe model. From now on you can save your work, or directly exporting it into VRML file (files with WRL extension). SOURCE CODE ----------- Virtual Potter 3D is freeware. But if you need the source code it is available for only 75 US$. The source code is written on Turbo Pascal 6.0. Please email me if you are interesting to that code. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR --------------------- Mailing address: Jl. Warga No. 36 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12510 INDONESIA Home page: Email address: To get the latest version of Virtual Potter 3D, please check regularly my homepage. I would be glad if you put a links to my page from yours. So anyone else could also enjoy Virtual Potter 3D. --- * ---