=================================================================== _____ _ _ \_ \_ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ __ ___| |_ The / /\/ '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ __| Internet /\/ /_ | | | | || __/ | | | | | __/ |_ Suite for \____/ |_| |_|\__\___|_| |_| |_|\___|\__| OS/2 Warp _ _ _ /_\ __| |_ _____ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ //_\\ / _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __| | | | '__/ _ \ '__| / _ \ (_| |\ V / __/ | | | |_| |_| | | | __/ | \_/ \_/\__,_| \_/ \___|_| |_|\__|\__,_|_| \___|_| 17. November 1996 =================================================================== Version 0.95 Copyright (c) 1996, Kim Rasmussen All rights reserved. SEE MY WEB PAGE at http://www.teamos2.org/software/iadventure/ for newest info !! =================================================================== N O T I C E =================================================================== This IS a shareware package, and does require a registration fee if you choose to continue using it after 30 days. The registration fee for this product is currently $30 US. When Internet Adventurer is out of beta, this price will grow for new registrations, so register now while it's cheap !. Note that after v2.99 I might select that your registrations have expired, and you need to re-register in order to upgrade to versions higher than 2.99. See the file REGISTER.TXT for more information about how to register =================================================================== L E G A L S T U F F =================================================================== As usual with shareware, I'm not responsible for any damages you may suffer by using Internet Adventurer in any form or way. If you are going to jail because of unpaid huge phone-bills, then it's not and never will be my problem. Any damages/faults/whatever arising from the use of Internet Adventurer is entirely your own problem. If your harddisk vanish after installing, or your wife leaves you it's your own problem - got it ? =================================================================== R E Q U I R E M E N T S =================================================================== Internet Adventurer requires OS/2 Warp, with min 8Mb Memory - it probably will run on 4Mb, but I wouldn't to it :) It seems to work fine under Warp 4 (Merlin) Also, WebExplorer from IBM is required. At least BETA web0814 is required, you can get the newest from ftp.ibm.net /pub/WebExplorer You also need to have internet software, at least TCP/IP v3.0 (or what your WebExplorer needs) is required. Also, I recommend installing fixpack 17, and the updated PMMERGE.DLL. Doing so, really fixes alot of traps especially in PMCTLS and PMMERGE. I haven't tried fixpack 22 yet - I've heard conflicting stories about it some say that after installing it, they couldn't open the settings dialog, and some say that it has improved pretty much everything. I've also heard of problems with the InetAdv settings-notebook - please let me know if you have any problems there. =================================================================== A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S =================================================================== I would like to thank all the people in #os/2 and #os2prog who have helped me with this, especially the ones who have given me sample code, and tolerated my bugs :) -------- Contents -------- 1. Contacting the Author (that's me) 2. Current Features List 3. Known Bugs/Workarounds 4. Missing Features / ToDo List 5. Command-line arguments 6. Supported IRC Commands 7. REXX Scripts 8. REXX Quicklist 9. Toolbars 10. Database recovery 11. Version history ------------------------------------ 1. Contacting the Author (that's me) ------------------------------------ You can contact me in a number of ways. Unfortunately, I can't provide neither a fax or phone number at this time. Mail: Adventure Software Kim Rasmussen Gartnervang 2C, 3tv DK-4000 Roskilde Denmark Web: http://home3.inet.tele.dk/krasmus/ http://www.teamos2.org/software/iadventure/ Internet: krasmus@post3.tele.dk - but if at all possible, _please_ use my mailing-list for all questions/suggestions about InetAdv !! IRC: I can usually be found hanging around in #os/2 or #os2prog you might even catch me in #inetadv :) My nickname is usually Starlord_, but look for Kim Rasmussen in my real-name. Mailinglist: Cliff Wood has setup a mailing list for me, to join it send a mail to This mail MUST have the first line in the BODY of the message set to "subscribe inetadv-l" - without the quotes. Support: I'll try to help as much as I can, go to #inetadv on IRC, or use the mailing list. If you can't reach me in other ways, send an email to krasmus@post3.tele.dk ------------------------ 2. Current Features List ------------------------ - Consistent userinterface - all the sections of Internet Adventurer share the same toolbars, and the same look and feel - you can even drag toolbar items from eg. the WWW window to an IRC window. - IRC (rfc #1459 compliant) - CTCP (Client to Client Protocol) commands supported - DCC CHAT fully supported (private chat - remember to set your IP address) - DCC Multiple concurrent filetransfers are fully supported, both ways - Multiple Threads, one per IRC channel - Fully multithreaded 32-bit code - no 16-bit code at all - No class libraries, uses PM functions directly, for maximum speed - Multiple Windows - one window for each channel or for private messages - Multiple colors, get a complete overview in seconds, configure strings that will be shown with different colors. - Configureable fonts and colors - WWW support, using WebExplorer's API, to ensure that the newest available browser technology is supported. You should even be able to use Internet Adventurer with a newer version of WebExplorer (no guaranties though...) It's even faster that WebExplorer ! - Proxy and Socks support for WWW, gopher and FTP - You never need to cancel loading of an URL, to begin loading another, you just click on the link you want, even if the page you're currently loading isn't complete yet. - REXX Scripts support, compatible with the GammaTech IRC-Client v2.00. - Nickname list in channel-windows - User Configureable toolbars, click on the toolbar with your right mouse button, and add/edit/delete buttons. You can also drag buttons to other windows, if you press ctrl while dragging, they get copied. - DLL PlugIn's - support for extending Internet Adventurer with customized tools. - Fully configureable quicklist with support for multilevel groups, where you can put your URL's. One group for eg. "Internet Search Engines", one for "OS/2", one for "Fun stuff" etc.... - Smart URL resolving by 'nickname', enter eg. 'Yahoo' - and that will take you to http://www.yahoo.com, or enter 'inetadv' - which will take you to http://home3.inet.tele.dk/krasmus/ - Intelligent URL handling and interfacing, from a www document, select a link called 'irc:/server irc.dd.chalmers.se' and InetAdv will open up an IRC window, and connect to the specified server. - Viewing HTML source, saving to disk, displaying from disk. - Registration via registration keys - easy upgrading of registered versions. - URL Parsing REXX scripts - You can completely customize the URL handling. - Quicklist database accessible from REXX scripts - Importing of WebExplorer quicklist - Quicklist supports Drag & Drop - URL objects can be dragged into the quicklist - IDENTD support for those IRC servers that require it. - Newsreader with both online and offline newsreading support - Support for multiple simultaneous newsservers (requires registration) - Support for UU-Decoding both news and mail messages - Mail, support for retrieving via POP3 and sending via SMTP - Multiple mail accounts (requires registration) - Selectable loading of plugins - eg. if news/mail is never used, it can be left out, and thus never uses any memory. - Automatic recovery of any eventual damaged quicklist/news databases - Threaded viewing of News and Mail - True news threading (by references) - Lot's of other features - too many to mention here ------------------------- 3. Known Bugs/Workarounds ------------------------- - 'Time' is not updated in filetransfers, but always set to 00:00:00 ------------------------------- 4. Missing Features / ToDo List ------------------------------- - Full MIME support will be in the next version - Global address-book, where you will be able to put name, URL, email telnet, notes etc. into the book, and thus use a common entry for both email, telnet etc. - Filters for news and mail - both static and REXX filters - Custom folders for news and mail - Password protected folders for news/mail groups - Example REXX scripts - I'm currently working with the authors of IRC/2 and GTIRC to create a standard for REXX scripts that we can all agree on, so when we are ready, there should be lots of sample scripts. - Presentation mode in WWW - for now, you can disable the toolbars to make the window overhead as small as possible. - I'll document the PlugIn DLL API real soon, I have already gotten some indications of people wanting to write either new plug-ins, or write scripts in C - mail me if you have anything specific you want, and I will try to rush it even more. - I'll clean DCC up a bit, I don't like the way it works now - I'll add tons of options for blocksize etc. and I'll make one DCC window that shows the status of all the current DCC filetransfers instead of the tons of windows you see now. - WAV file support, I'll add lots of options, for playing different WAV files depending on what is going on. I'll also add more options for eg. switching the WWW window to the foreground after an URL has completed loading. - Connections to multiple IRC servers simultaneously - DCC firewall support is almost ready - Flood protection to come... - Gopher and FTP is currently only supported via the WebExplorer API I probably won't touch gopher, but you'l get a beefed up FTP, with support for upload/download etc. - Telnet isn't supported yet - If you have any suggestions for other features, please email me at krasmus@post3.tele.dk and tell me what you want. - I have a _huge_ todolist, and tons of small yellow pieces of paper glued to my monitor - so don't dispair if you can not see your suggestions here. ------------------------- 5. Command-line arguments ------------------------- Syntax is: INETADV.EXE [/I:] [/P:] [URL] Example: INETADV.EXE /I:inetadv.ini http://home3.inet.tele.dk/krasmus/ Example: INETADV.EXE http://home3.inet.tele.dk/krasmus/ Example: INETADV.EXE irc:/default /P:www_only.cfg URL is an optional URL to retrive immediately after starting Internet Adventurer. /I: where is the name of the ini-file to use for storing the settings. If this option is not specified, OS2.INI is used. The .cmd file copyini.cmd can be used to copy settings to/from OS2.INI - uninst.cmd must be used for uninstalling and deleting settings from OS2.INI /P: where is the name of a plain text file, where each line in the file contains the name of the DLL to load - eg. ---- Cut here ---- IA_WWW IA_IRC IA_NWSML ---- Cut here ---- Note that only the firstname of the DLL should be present - not the extension ! If you never use IRC, you can just delete it from the file, and same memory by not loading the IRC DLL. Note that if you do not load it, and have any toolbar buttons that have some kind of IRC action, InetAdv will complain about the buttons and you must then change or delete them. The default pluginfile is called "iaplugins.cfg" - if this file is found in the current directory when InetAdv starts up, it will use it. If no file is found, all the DLL's will be loaded. ------------------------- 6. Supported IRC Commands ------------------------- In a channel window, if you just write a string, it's sent to that channel if you put a '/' in front, it's treated as a command. eg. to get statistics (uptime) from you server, type '/STATS U' All RFC 1459 commands are supported, just type '/' in front, and whatever you type will be sent to the IRC server directly (with exceptions) The exceptions are: /JOIN /CHANNEL Join a new channel, eg. "/JOIN #os/2" joins the #os/2 channel. /CTCP This commands send's a CTCP request to eg. /CTCP Starlord_ VERSION to get the version of Starlord_'s client. /DCC CHAT Ask to open a private chat conversation with you. This causes Internet Adventurer to open a socket, waiting for a call from the other client. Data on this session are NOT sent through the IRC server, and you are therefore sure that no IRC-Operators can listen in. /DCC SEND This command is used if you want to send a file to . This causes Internet Adventurer to open a socket, and wait for a call from 's client. If accepts, he will then connect's to you for receiving the file from you. /ME /ACT /ACTION Use this command to tell that you're performing an action, if your nickname is Starlord_, and you type "/me thinka Internet Adventurer is great", it will be displayed to the other people on the channel as: "* Starlord_ agrees that Internet Adventurer is great" /MSG Uses this command to send a private message to , this message will not be sent to the channel you're in, but only to the you specify. If you wan't to be sure that no one can intercept your message, you might consider using /DCC CHAT instead, to get a true private connection. /LEAVE This command causes the window for the current channel to be closed, and it leaves the channel - it's the same thing as closing the window by double-clicking on it's icon. If this command is issued in a DCC Chat window, the chat connection is disconnected, and the window is closed. /SIGNOFF If issued in a channel-window, this command causes the connection to the server to be closed. The windows will still remain on the screen. If issued in a DCC chat window, the DCC connection is closed. /BEGONE This command removes all the windows, and disconnects. /VERSION /VER These commands do the same as /CTCP VERSION - it ask's for his version. /USERINFO This command does the same as /CTCP USERINFO - it ask's for his userinfo. /FINGER This command does the same as /CTCP FINGER - it ask's for his finger info. /PING This command does the same as /CTCP PING - it ask's to return the ping response, so the delay between the two clients can be measured. /EXECUTE This executes the given command, eg. to put a directory listing into a file, you can use "/exec dir >\file.txt". /SERVER This command closes the connection to the current server, and connects to the new specified server. /MODE [mode parameters] This command changes the mode of either a channel, or a nick. If * is entered instead of channel-name, the current channel is used. If no parameters are given, the mode is queried instead of set. /TOPIC This is a topic This command changes the topic of a channel. If * is entered instead of channel-name, the current channel is used. If the topic itself is excluded, then the current topic is displayed. /CLEAR /CLE These commands clear/erase the contents of the current window. /QUERY /PRIVATE These commands open a private window, where all messages you type are sent to the nickname as private messages. /SCR