W e b N a v i g a t o r

Version 1.1
Copyright (c) 1996, JMA Software Technologies

WebNavigator is a program that lets you browse the internet and view internet documents offfline.

WebNavigator is a faster way of browsing and viewing document offline than WebExplorer. It does most of the things that WebExplorer does and works both on- and off-line. WebNavigator also have many features that WebExplorer has not. If you are used to work with WebExplorer you will soon be used to work with WebNavigator. Most menu-item and keyboard shortcut are similar to or the same as in WebExplorer.

Don't forget to read the Tips, tricks and limitations chapter in this manual since it contains information you might not know of otherwise.

Table of content

Installation and upgrades
How to start WebNavigator
The menu bar
The button bar
The edit bar
The status bar
About the settings notebook
Using the QuickList
The QuickList file
Tips, tricks and limitations
How to contact us
Disclaimer, license information


WebNavigator requires IBM OS/2 Warp 3 or Warp 4.
WebNavigator also requires IBM TCP/IP (via LAN or Dialup) with WebExplorer 1.03 or later.

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Installation instructions

-Start the installation program, INSTALL.EXE.
- Select a directory where you want to place WebNavigator.
-Press the Start button.
-When the installation is finished the readme file is shown.


-Get your registration key (see ORDER.TXT for more information).
-Start WebNavigator and select the Options->Register menu item.
-Enter your name and the register code.
-Click on OK.

Please note that the registration is saved in the WEBNAV.INI file. If you lose WEBNAV.INI file you must re-enter your registration information. If you start an unregistered version of WebNavigator in a directory with a registered versions QuickList file the QuickList will be trunctated.
The registration is per copy and it is illegal to use the same registration on different machines.

Please note that support is only available to registered users.

If you are interested in site licenses or customized versions of WebNavigator please contact us for further information.


If you are a registered user of HTMLview 1.0 and wants to keep your old setting please follow this procedure.

-Install WebNavigator, but NOT in the same directory as HTMLview.
-Before starting WebNavigator (do not start !!) please Copy the HTMLVIEW.INI file and the QUIKLIST.TXT file to the directory where you installed WebNavigator.
-Now start WebNavigator.
-Verify that the registration is still functional and that the QuickList is the same as in HTMLview.
-You may now delete HTMLview and its directory.

As a registered user you may also delete the ORDER.TXT file and the PURCHASE.EXE and PURCHASE.APP file. You may also remove the program object in the WebNavigator folder "On-line registration" and the "How to register".


-Delete both program reference icons and all files in the program directory..
-Remove the program directory
 (You may want to keep the QuickList file, QUIKLIST.TXT. )

Note: WebNavigator does not make any changes to system files like CONFIG.SYS and OS2.INI.

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How to start WebNavigator

Start the program WEBNAV.EXE or start the program object. You may put this program (its program object, or a shadow of the .EXE file) in the startup folder if you wish. The first time you start the program you should go to the Options -> Setting menu and set at least your homepage and email address.

Please note that the unregistered version runs only 20 minutes at a time.

You may use a link as parameter to the program. Please note that .HTML files need no be prefixed with file:/// but online links must be prefixed with http:// or ftp:// when specifying a parameter.

WebNavigator will create the WEBNAV.INI file in the directory where the .EXE file is placed. The file will be found even if you start WebNavigator from another directory.

Items added to the QuickList will be saved in a file called QUIKLIST.TXT, this one also in the .EXE directory. You may edit this file but you MUST comply to the general structure or WebNavigator might not start.

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The menu bar

File menu

Open browser window Starts another copy of WebNavigator.  
Open document (URL)... Allows you to Enter a link via keyboard. (Ctrl-D)
Open file Allows you to select a HTML file to open. (Ctrl-O)
Reload document (URL) Reloads current document. (F5)
Save as Allows you to save the current document as a HTML file. (F2)
Save to disk Generates a filename and saves current document (as HTML). (F4)
View source (HTML) Displays the HTML source of the current document.  
Print document Allows you to print the current document.  
Halt loading document Stop loading the current document. (Esc)
Exit program Leaves WebNavigator (F3)

Navigate menu

Backward Go to previous viewed document. (Ctrl-B)
Forward Go to next viewed document. (Ctrl-F)
Home page Load homepage specified in Options -> Settings notebook. (Ctrl-H)
Find in Document Allows you to search the current document for a specified string. (Ctrl-S)
Presentation mode Hides all frame controls and toolbars and maximizes the window. (Ctrl-P)
Send mail Allow you to send mail using a mailto: form.  
Newsgroup manager Starts the newsgroup manager.  
Set keyboard focus Use this if you cannot use the keyboard to scroll.  
  If you start WebNavigator without focus (for example START WEBNAV.EXE) this menuitem must be used.

Options menu

Font Lets you select the size of the viewing font.  
  This does not update the File->Save settings selection.
Beep when loaded Select if you want WebNavigator beep when a document has been loaded.  
Load Graphics Select if you want WebNavigator to load graphics.  
Register Registers your WebNavigator license.  
Set current page as homepage Sets the current document as your homepage.  
Import News from Webexplorer Imports News settings from WebExplorer.  
Edit News/Mail signature file Allows you to edit the signature file for News and Mail.  
Settings Gives you a notebook box with settings.  
  Selections are saved into your .INI file and get reloaded each time you restart WebNavigator. Please see "About the settings notebook" for more information on this.
Save window settings Saves the current window position  
  Save the main window and QuickList position, font and colors. Restores them the next time you start WebNavigator.

QuickList menu

Show document Loads the document accosiated with the selected QuickList item.  
Add current document Adds current document to QuickList. (Ctrl-A)
Add manually Allows you to add a QuickList item via a dialog.  
Edit Edit the selected QuickList item.  
Delete Delete the selected QuickList item.  
Sort Allows you to sort the QuickList.  
Show QuickList Shows (or hides) the QuickList. (Ctrl-Q)
Create Webmap (.HTM) file Creates WEBMAP.HTM with all your QuickList items as links.  
Import QuickList from WebExplorer Imports QuickList items from WebExplorer.  
Save QuickList to disk now Updates QuickList file on disk.  
  This is done automaticly when you exit WebNavigator.

Directory menu

JMA Software Technologies Home Displays the homepage of JMA Software Technologies.  
News Displays the News page at JMA Software Technologies.  
Online (updated) manual Displays the updated manual (you may download).  
Internet search Displays a page of links to internet search pages.  
Hot and cool links Displays a page of links to interesting pages.  
  All these items requires you to be online!

Help menu

Manual Shows this document. (F1)
Technical support Allows you to send mail to Technical Support.  
Product Information Gives product information.  
  Shows version, copyright information, where to find us and version of WebExplorer DLL and .INI file.

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The button bar

The button bar contains 15 button that mimics menu items. They "gray out" when the function they represent is notavailable and gets highlighted when a function is "on". They are:

- Navigate -> Backward
- Navigate -> Forward
- Navigate -> Home page
- Navigate -> Find in document
- File -> Reload document (URL)
- File -> Halt loading document
- QuickList -> Add current document
- File -> Open file
- File -> Save as
- File -> Save to disk
- File -> Print document
- QuickList -> Show QuickList
- Options -> Load graphics
- Switches between the four font sizes (Small, Normal, Large, Extra large)
- Navigate -> Send mail

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The edit bar

The edit bar is an edit field where you can enter a link. It is also updated each time you try to reach a link. Even if the link is not fully loaded the text of the link will still be there.
If you type a link that is not reachable or wrong the text is kept for you to edit.

The edit bar is also a combination box where you find a list of all visited links (during this session). Press the down button on the right of the edit bar and then select the link you want to go to.

(There is a maximum of 200 items in this list.)

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The status bar

The status bar gives information when loading a document with status information and the name of the link currently under the mouse pointer.

When loading a document the status bar changes to reflect the current status. It shows the amount loaded (in percent) of the document text and the status of the graphics load threads.

During the download of a file the statusbar gives you information regarding the status of the download. If the server supports file size information you will see information regarding file size and percentage, time left. If your server does not support this you will only see bytes loaded and CPS rate.

When printing the status bar show a static text and the document windows is disabled. This is to prevent errors in printing.

In the rightmost part of the status bar you will see status indicators that shows the settings of the menu items Font size, Load graphics and Beep at load.

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About the settings notebook

The settings notebook allows you to change the permanent settings. Selecting OK writes these to the .INI file at ones. It also update the non-permanent settings for this session.

Note: Some settings requires you to restart the program for them to take effect (They are noted with the (*) sign).

PAGE 1 - General/cache

Show QuickList Default setting to show or not show the QuickList window.
Beep when page is loaded Default beep or not beep when page is loaded.
Number of threads Number of threads used (helps speed but uses memory).
Use last directory Reuses last directory in File -> Open file / Save as.
Load from Default directory for File -> Open file.
Save to Default directory for File -> Save as, Save to disk and downloads.
Enable caching Allow program to cache pages/graphics.
Keep cached images in memory Keep images in memory (or on disk).
Number of pages to cache Documents to "remember".
Number of images to cache Images to "remember".
Cache dir Where place cached pages/images.

PAGE 2 - Addresses

Home page Document to load at startup and with Navigate -> Home page.
Load homepage at startup Load at startup or not.
Proxy gateway Name of proxy gateway.
Use proxy Use proxy gateway.
Socks server Name of sockets server.
Use socks Use sockets server.
email address Your email address (used for mailto).
News server Name of your news server.

PAGE 3 - Color/fonts

Text Text color.
Links Color of links.
Visited links Color of links you have already visited.
Background Background color of document (when no background bitmap).
  (Select color by first clicking on item to change and then click on the desired color.)
Change font Select font to use in document.
Default font size Set default font size.

PAGE 4 - Display

Use palette managment Use OS/2 palette management or not.
Prefer internal viewer Use internal viewer if one is available.
Underline links Underline all links.
Load graphics Default load graphics state (load or not).
Preview documents before images Display all document text before graphics.
Ignore image errors Do/do not display red X over not loaded images.
Display interlaced GIF:s How to display them while loading.

PAGE 5 - Viewers

  Gives you a list of defined viewers. Here you can remove viewers by selection the viewer to remove and press the Remove button or add a new viewer by filling in the fields and pressing the Add button. You may browse for the .EXE file (the viewer) using the Browse button.

PAGE 6 - FTP/News

Program Program to handle external download/ftp.
Send ... The information that the external download program handles.
Send non-ftp Should non ftp:// link be sent to download program?
Browse Allows you to select the external download program.
Group file File that WebNavigator shall use to save News groups information.
Sign file File that WebNavigator shall use to save News/Mail signature.
Config file File that WebNavigator shall use to save News configuration.

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Using the QuickList

The QuickList is a place where you place your most often visited links. Its shown as a "listbox-style" window at the right of your document.

Though it is by default invisible it can easily be mae visible using the QuickList -> Show QuickList menu item or the corresponding button in the button bar. You may also select a default state using the Options -> Settings notebook, Show Quicklist (first page).

To see the link click ones on the QuickList item and then look at the status bar. To load the link double-click on the QuickList item.

You add links to the QuickList either by selection the Add current document menu item (shortcut Ctrl-A) or the corresponding button on the button bar. You may also with a right-click on the QuickList window select the Add manually item (where you then type in the required information).

To change the amount of space the QuickList occupies place your mouse button on the splitbar (situated between the document-window and the QuickList) and press and hold your mouse button. Now drag the splitbar to the new preferred position and drop it there (release the mouse button). To save the new position select the Options -> Save window settings menu item.

Please note that if unregistered the QuickList may contain no more than five items.

To change the color and font of the QuickList window use the Color and Font palettes of the OS/2 System Setup folder. Just drag and drop the font / color you like (to change text color drag with Ctrl pressed) and then select the Options -> Save window settings menu item to save them.

The context menu (right-click on the QuickList window) contains the following items:

- Show document, Same as doubleclicking on a item in the QuickList.
- Add current document, Add current document to QuickList.
- Add manually, allows you to manually add a QuickList item.
- Edit, allows you to edit a QuickList item.
- Delete, allows you to remove a QuickList item.
- Sort QuickList, same as QuickList -> Sort QuickList
- Save QuickList to disk now, same as QuickList -> Save QuickList to disk now
- Hide QuickList, same as the QuickList -> Show QuickList menu item.
- Create Webmap (.HTM) file, also under QuickList -> Create Webmap (.HTM) file. from QuickList.

Every time WebNavigator starts it loads the QuickList into memory and every time you quit WebNavigator its saves the content of the QuickList to the QuickList file. If you want to save it while running the program you can select the QuickList -> Save QuickList to disk now menu item. This menu item is also available in the context menu on the QuickList window.

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The QuickList file

You may edit the QuickList file (QUIKLIST.TXT) outside of WebNavigator (its a pure text file) but you must follow these guidelines otherwise WebNavigator might not load.
The first line in the file is a numeral that specifies the number of title / URL pairs in the file. This numeral must be correct. Following is title/URL pairs. The title may be up to 80 characters and the URL up to 128. They must be placed on one line each.

You may NOT have any blank lines in the QuickList file.

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Tips, tricks and limitations

Tips and tricks

To load a link while a page is loading just click on that link !
If a link cannot be reached the text is still in the edit bar for you to edit
To save the document as a URL object drag it to the desktop (or any folder) with the right mouse button pressed. If you wish to save the document as a HTML file then drag with the Ctrl key pressed.
Press the right mouse button on top of the QuickList window to get the context menu.
The button that switches between font sizes works even when you are loading a webpage.
Drag/drop fonts/color from the Color/Font palette in your System Setup folder and drop them on the QuickList window. Select Options -> Save window setting to save them. To change the text color drag a color with the Ctrl key pressed.
If you prefer loading speed to functionality/stability then install WebExplorer 1.03 instead of an later version.

Known problems

WebNavigator uses the same set of programming API as WebExplorer does. However, some features used in WebExplorer are NOT documented by IBM and therefore we have not been able to use them. We are constantly trying to work around these problems and also try to make IBM understand that they should make these functions available to us and other developers.

The following cannot be done since IBM has not released the specifications on how to do it:

When moving backward/forward through visited pages you will always be placed at the top of a visited page even if you had previously scrolled down. This problem does not exist in WebExplorer.
The Warp 4 link top level menu item is not documented and does not work by itself. However the links popup menu works as they should in WebNavigator.
Codepage support (wxViewCallLoadCP) is not documented.

There are also a few minor problem with HTLMview that might not have anything to do with the WebExp API:

Do not run WebNavigator (or WebExplorer) with Neologic Network Suite. There is a incompatibility that makes one of them to use up all CPU. Do NOT run them at the same time!
Do not combine the "send only host" and the "send none-ftp" in the external download. They do not function when combined.
Some versions of the WebExp API has problems with the "Use palette management settings" in the Options->Settings->Display menu. If your document windows turns black be sure to disable palette management.
When installing Warp 4 ontop of Warp 3 or installing a Warp 3 version of WebExplorer ontop of Warp 4 the messages in WebNavigator might be wrong. You must remove the old EXPLORE.CAT file from your harddisk !
When using the New Browser Window menu item please note that changes in one "session" might not be saved. Only changes in the last "session" will be saved!

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The main file (HVMLview.EXE) creates a .INI file with its current settings in the same directory as the .EXE file.

This .INI file is NOT dependent of the drive/directory and can easily be transferred with the .EXE file to any drive/directory. The QuickList file (QUIKLIST.TXT) may be transferred in the same way.

Please note that the directory where the .EXE file resides in must not be write protected.

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How to contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any of the following:

Our homepage


Technical support, technical questions

Lennart Carlson (mail@jmast.se)

Please note that support is only available to registered users.

General questions

Martin Alfredsson (jma@jmast.se)

Our mail address

JMA Software Technologies
P.O Box 2345

Our fax


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WebNavigator is not free software. Unregistered versions of WebNavigator may not be used for more than 30 days.

Unregistered versions of WebNavigator may be distributed to remote FTP or networked sites without the explicit written permission of the JMA Software Technologies. Distributed versions of WebNavigator must contain the entire unmodified distribution. JMA Software Technologies is not responsible for modifications made to the distribution without the explicit written permission of JMA Software Technologies.

Registered versions of WebNavigator may not be distributed in any form for any reason.

You, the site or licensed individual, may use one copy of the software product specified above ("Software") on a single computer. You may use the Software on a network provided you have licensed Software equal to the maximum number of copies in use at one time. The Software is "in use" on a computer when it is resident in memory (i.e., RAM) or installed (executable and other files) on the hard disk or other storage device. Software installed on a server for distribution purposes only is not considered "in use." The Software may not be used beyond the licensing period.

You may not alter, merge, modify or adapt this Software in any way including disassembling or decompiling. You may not loan, rent, lease, license, or distribute this Software or any copy. You may not transfer the Software, license, documentation, media, or copies.

All intellectual property rights in this Software and user documentation are owned by JMA Software Technologies and are protected by copyright laws, other applicable copyright laws, and international treaty provisions. JMA Software Technologies retains all rights not expressly granted.

Limited Warranty
JMA Software Technologies makes no warranty or representation, promise or guarantee, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to this Software or user documentation, including its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

The warranty and remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in lieu of all other, oral or written, express or implied. No Software dealer, distributor, agent or employee is authorized to make any modifications or additions to this warranty.

Limitation of Liability
Because software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors, you are advised to verify your work and to make backup copies of your work. In no event will JMA Software Technologies be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software or user documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no case shall JMA Software Technologies liabilities exceed the total sum of the Software and licensing agreement.

JMA Software Technologies is not liable for the usage of the Software. JMA Software Technologies is not liable or responsible for information, data, documents, or images retrieved, generated, stored, copied, or traversed that have copyright or are proprietary, pornographic, restricted and otherwise illegal. All ownership and rights to retrieved, generated, stored, copied, and traversed materials are retained by their original owners, unless otherwise explicitly stated.

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This document was written using HTMLedit by Martin Alfredsson and was last updated December 15, 1996.