; The Paradox form to Delphi Converter ; ------------------------------------ Beta 1.0 This is *not* a tool to convert Paradox applications to Delphi.!! This tool is designed to convert the "form" not ObjectPAL code to a Delphi Form hence save on the grunt work. This is primarily designed for 16 bit Delphi, as all my Clients are Win95 less, I have no need to play with 32 bit Delphi. This requires Paradox 5.0 to run and is written enitirly in ObjectPAL. I do plan - Schedule permitting to rewrite as much as possible in Delphi. This will improve performance It has not been tested with paradox 4.5 forms This is in the initial design phase, I have used it for one conversion job and plan to enhance it to convert using Woll2Woll components as an option at a later date. Please forward any suggestions and bug information to me via E-mail. Usage ----- 1. Enter the directory the form resides in then the form name The produced files, formname.txt and formname.pas will be placed in that directroy 2. First enumerate the objects on the form 3. Convert the form objects Bitmaps ,DDE, OLE ----------------- It currently does not convert bitmap ,DDE and OLE objects Multi-Page Forms ---------------- It will attempt to convert a Multi-page form, BUT if you have objects named the same on different pages, such as a Helpbutton, it will cause an error when the Object text file is converted to a DFM file by delphi. You will have to rename the objects. Data Model ---------- It does rough job of converting the data model at this stage, so you will need to tweek it. It will add all the tables in the data model but does not correctly define the index relationships DFM File -------- The DFM file is a Binary file. One of the files produced during the conversion process is a text file. e.g Formname.txt This file needs to be converted to a Binary .DFM file and Delphi is required to do that. ( in this release any how) 1. Start Delphi 2. Select File/Open File Select the text file 3. Then select File/Save as Change the filename name from formname.txt to formname.DFM Ensure the file type is DFM 4. Save the file Delphi will compile the file. After compiling to a DFM file. To view the Form , open the PAS file. To run the form , you need a DPR file. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO WARRANTIES IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE etc you know the drill...... This will be further developed and will eventually be shareware. Thanks to Skip Rowland for the inspiration. Robert Scott Robert Scott Systems 1380 Foxboro way Sacramento CA 95833 Compuserve 71603,3530 Internet scottr@quiknet.com FAX 916-929 7503