SwordSearcher95 version 3.1 readme file Copyright 1996 Brandon Staggs (bstaggs@aloha.net) Section 1: What's new in version 3.1 Section 2: SwordSearcher95 on the Internet Section 3: Share your personal commentaries with other SS95 users SECTION 1: What's new in version 3.1 Version 3.1 is a maintenance release of SwordSearcher95 with the following bug fixes and changes: a. Fixed bug causing multiple word searches to mysteriously become one long word and fail. b. Fixed bug causing SS95 to crash on exit with Windows NT or with Windows 95 with kernel updates installed. SwordSearcher95 now works flawlessly (to my knowledge) on Windows NT v3.51 or better! c. Increased the evaluation period to 25 days from the previous 15 days. This is a more reasonable length of time to fully evaluate SS95. d. Modified the shipping and handling price structure to more accurately reflect the actual cost of mailing a Deluxe Registration package. Deluxe registrations are mailed via Priority Mail in the United States and First Class/Air Mail everywhere else. Basic registrations have no shipping and handling cost no matter where you live. Whenever an email address is included on an order form, registration codes are emailed as soon as the registration is received. Of course, if I can't read the email address, snail mail will have to do. :-) SECTION 2: SwordSearcher95 on the Internet Visit the SwordSearcher95 web page on the world wide web: http://www.aloha.net/~bstaggs/sword95.html All available note sets can be downloaded from this web page, as well as the latest version of the program. Feel free to email me at bstaggs@aloha.net. SECTION 3: Share your personal commentaries with other SS95 users Have you done a study with SwordSearcher95 you would like to share with other SS95 users? Great! Email me about it and I will consider posting your note set on the SwordSearcher95 web page. Thanks for using SwordSearcher95! Tell your friends to try it!