POP-Play v1.1 ========================================= Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Seppo Lehikoinen Module player for OS/2. MMPM/2 or DART required. DISCLAIMER ---------- POP-Play is SHAREWARE product if you intend to use it COMMERCIALLY. Basically the rule is: If you're asking money for the product you're using POP-Play with, you have to register. Registering POP-Play gives you the right to sell an unlimited number of copies of the product you're using it for. A POP-Play registration cannot be transferred from one person to another, or from one person to a company, or from one company to another company. POP-Play is supplied as is with no warranty whatsoever. All I can say is that it works for me and will occupy space on your hard disk. FILES IN THIS PACKAGE --------------------- FILE_ID.DIZ - program description INSTALL.CMD - installation program POPPLAY.EXE - main executable v1.1 POPPLAY.DLL - player dll v1.1 for REXX POPPLAY.CFG - configuration file for various things POPPLAY.LP - empty song list POPREXX.INF - POP-Play Rexx reference manual README.TXT - this file VROBJ.DLL - VXREXX runtime library v2.1d RECOMENDED MACHINE & OS ----------------------- - Pentium 75MHz or better - 8MB RAM - MMPM/2 or DART capable soundcard - Warp 3 or 4 INSTALLATION ------------ Unpack the zip-file to temporary directory and run INSTALL.CMD and follow instructions as they appear. COMMANDLINE OPTIONS ------------------- /run = start play immediately after start /min = minimize the player at startup WHATS NEW --------- - DART-driver - audio output sharing - volume setting - user creatable playlists - menu and keyboard controls - bitmaps should work bigger resolutiuons than 800X600 - REXX reference to the player-dll LIMITATIONS ----------- - illegal soundcard settings are allowed - drag & drop with WPS objects don't work - no sorting when FAT used - no help FUTURE PLANS ------------ - wave and midi support - more drag and drop - display intruments - song progress indicator and set by mouse click HOW TO CONTACT ME ----------------- If you find this player useful, send me E-mail, so that I know how many users are out there. Seppo Lehikoinen Kolmas linja 19 D 87 00530 Helsinki FINLAND slehiko@ibm.net