QConnect 1.0 Copyright © 1996 Doesn't Byte Software _________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. _________________________________________________________________________ Just playing around and trying to learn some news things. I came up with QConnect. I hate pressing that stupid Connect button on Windows95's Connect To dialog. Here's a program that will dialup your connect and then close itself. Running QConnect will start the dailing process. If you're like me and have your Username and Password in my script, then there's no need to setup QConnect. If want to set it up then press the Setup button and a dialog box will show up to enter your info. QConnect 1.0 is Freeware. I reserve the right to change from Freeware to Shareware on any new versions (doubt this will happen). If there's a demand for other options, then I may continue working on it. I may anyway since I love to try new things. ======================================================================== Installation: 1) Copy all files to a directory of your choice. ====================================================================== Requirements: Windows 95 Approx. 179K hard drive space. 4 Meg memory. ====================================================================== Registration: Even though QConnect is Freeware, I ask that all users to E-Mail Doesn't Byte Software or Send a Postcard letting me know you're using it. ====================================================================== Distribution: Free to all!! ====================================================================== Contact: Doesn't Byte Software 5228 Sage St. Mtn. Home, ID 83648-1160 E-Mail: dbs@micron.net WWW: http://netnow.micron.net/~jjordan/dbs/