WASTE for Windows by Joseph T. Glosz Jr Internet: jtg@sd.znet.com CompuServe: 72633,1646 REGISTER THIS ON COMPUSERVE BY SWREG #11192 "GO SWREG" and follow the prompts. Waste for Windows looks best on resolutions of at least 800x600 using Windows' "small fonts." At 640x480 you'll need to scroll to see the full display. And if you are using "large fonts" then it may look strange. To install, unzip the zipped file to some temp directory (or a floppy). Then, double-click on SETUP.EXE (or select it from the Program Manager's File|Run menu). If it comes already unzipped, then just double-click SETUP.EXE. This version is a 32 bit application that only runs under Windows 95 or Windows NT. However, it is only really useful if your disks are using the standard FAT-based file system. If you are using HPFS, or FAT32 then Waste for Windows will not really provide you with terribly useful information. There is nothing unusual in the setup for Waste for Windows 95. It DOES NOT modify any of your system files. It doesn't touch any of your INI files, or your AUTOEXEC.BAT, or your CONFIG.SYS file. All the setup program does is copy a few of files to the directory you specify to hold WASTE, and one to your \windows\system directory, if they aren't already there. Specifically (and if you wish to do it manually): These files are copied to the directory of your choice: WASTEW.EXE WASTE.HLP WASTE.DIZ WASTEWIN.TXT 150.AVI ------------------------------------------- Waste for Windows is shareware but the information it provides could recover HUNDREDS of megabytes of space for you. This is worth quite a bit of money, and I humbly request only $5. If you find it as useful as have many others, please send $5 to Joseph T. Glosz 10825 Elderwood Road San Diego, CA 92131-1559 And if there is such a thing as karma, it will be returned to you tenfold! In any case, enjoy this utility! If you wish, you may register this online on CompuServe by typing "GO SWREG" and following the prompts to enter the registration number of 11192 Once again, thank you for using Waste for Windows!