SHARINFO.TXT October/96 What is SHAREWARE ? SHAREWARE is computer software that has been developed for sale but which is not distributed through normal retail outlets. Either a full, working copy or a 'crippled' or limited version of the software is distributed by individuals, BBS's, or Shareware vendors. If a person tries it and likes it, they register their use of the software with the owner, and they also send a registration fee. If they have been using a limited version of the software, then they will receive a full working copy in return from the developer. You now have a full working copy of FLOPYCAT, so if you decide to keep and use it on a regular basis, then you are expected, in the spirit of Shareware, to pay a registration fee for each copy you intend to install and use. SHAREWARE is usually developed by an individual working on a shoestring budget in the hopes of selling enough copies to cover development expenses and perhaps to also make a small profit. By avoiding the expenses of fancy packaging, advertising and distribution, the SHAREWARE developer is able to keep the cost of the software down to much less than normal 'retail' software prices. However, the quality and usefulness of SHAREWARE software is at least as good as, and frequently better than that available from software sold in retail stores. If you register your usage of FLOPYCAT, your name will be kept on file and you will be notified when the next version, with more features, is available. Also, if you have any problems with the software you can report those problems to the address shown below, and they will be resolved as quickly as possible. To register your use of the software, please complete and mail a copy of the Shareware Registration form, and include the fee appropriate to your intended use. Please feel free to pass on a copy of FLOPYCAT to friends, business associates, Bulletin Boards, etc. and encourage everyone to try it out, and to register their use of the software if they intend to keep and use it. FUTURE PLANS FOR FLOPYCAT: The possibility of future enhancements to FLOPYCAT depends very much on the success of Version 1.0 Things I plan to put in a future release, if one is to be done at all, are: 1) Catalog entries to describe floppy disks as well as files 2) Searching for Catalog entries by full or partial description 3) On-line, context-sensitive HELP 4) Other suggestions submitted by users of Version 2.2 I hope you use and enjoy FLOPYCAT, and you find it of benefit to you, either at home or on the job. Remember to register your use, and to pay up !! Thanks a lot Bud Dawson President, NABU Consulting Inc.